- Go to Settings, Secrets and variables, Click Actions, New repository secret.
- Fill other variable in config.env
- Upload token.pickle, accounts.zip, config.env and other private files from bsetting bot mirror.
mirror - Mirror
zipmirror - Mirror and upload as zip
unzipmirror - Mirror and extract files
qbmirror - Mirror torrent using qBittorrent
qbzipmirror - Mirror torrent and upload as zip using qb
qbunzipmirror - Mirror torrent and extract files using qb
leech - Leech
zipleech - Leech and upload as zip
unzipleech - Leech and extract files
qbleech - Leech torrent using qBittorrent
qbzipleech - Leech torrent and upload as zip using qb
qbunzipleech - Leech torrent and extract using qb
clone - Copy file/folder to Drive
count - Count file/folder of Drive
ytdl - Mirror yt-dlp supported link
ytdlzip - Mirror yt-dlp supported link as zip
ytdlleech - Leech through yt-dlp supported link
ytdlzipleech - Leech yt-dlp support link as zip
usetting - Users settings
bsetting - Bot Settings
status - Get Mirror Status message
rsslist - List all subscribed rss feed info
rssget - Get specific No. of links from specific rss feed
rsssub - Subscribe new rss feed
rssunsub - Unsubscribe rss feed by title
rssset - Rss Settings
list - Search files in Drive
search - Search for torrents with API
cancel - Cancel a task
cancelall - Cancel all tasks
del - Delete file/folder from Drive
log - Get the Bot Log
imdb - search Movie/Tv show
anime - search Anime
speedtest - Get server speedtest
mediainfo - Get information of media files
hash - Get Hash of telegram files
wayback - Internet archive
shell - Run commands in Shell
restart - Restart the Bot
stats - Bot Usage Stats
usage - Heroku app usage
ping - Ping the Bot
help - All cmds with description
sleep - Sleep the bot