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Deploy to Render

Support Group

Instructions for Render

  1. Fork and star this repo.
  2. Go to your forked repo.
  3. Click on Deploy to Render button.
  4. Fill all variable correctly.
  5. Fill BASE_URL from bsetting.
  6. Fill other variable from bsetting or write in sample_config.env and rename to config.env.
  7. Upload token.pickle and other private files from bsetting.
Bot commands
mirror - or /m Mirror
zipmirror - or /zm Mirror and upload as zip
unzipmirror - or /uzm Mirror and extract files
qbmirror - or /qm Mirror torrent using qBittorrent
qbzipmirror - or /qzm Mirror torrent using qb and upload as zip
qbunzipmirror - or /quzm Mirror torrent using qb and extract files
leech - or /l Leech
zipleech - or /zl Leech and upload as zip
unzipleech - or /uzl Leech and extract files
qbleech - or /ql Leech torrent using qBittorrent
qbzipleech - or /qzl Leech torrent using qb and upload as zip
qbunzipleech - or /quzl Leech torrent using qb and extract
clone - Copy file/folder to Drive
count - Count file/folder from Drive
ytdl - or /y Mirror yt-dlp supported link
ytdlzip - or /yz Mirror yt-dlp supported link as zip
ytdlleech - or /yl Leech through yt-dlp supported link
ytdlzipleech - or /yzl Leech yt-dlp support link as zip
usetting - User settings
bsetting - Bot settings
status - Get Mirror Status message
btsel - Select files from torrent
rss - Rss menu
list - Search files in Drive
search - Search for torrents with API
cancel - Cancel a task
cancelall - Cancel all tasks
del - Delete file/folder from Drive
log - Get the Bot Log
shell - Run commands in Shell
restart - Restart the Bot
stats - Bot Usage Stats
ping - Ping the Bot
help - All cmds with description

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