Alphabetical Order:
Patrick Gaines
Spencer MK Smith
Fatima Naveed
Ryan Schachte
Blake Thomson
The 2016 Geographic Information Systems Cup problem definition can be found here.
This spark implementation utilized 4 AWS machines in a cluster to solve the 2016 GIS Cup in 19.5 seconds.
To setup an AWS cluster of your own, please refer to my guide and culmination of resources here.
From the directions: The submitted jar will be invoked using the following syntax:
./bin/spark-submit [spark properties] --class [submission class] [submission jar] [path to input] [path to output]
In the project root, mvn clean install
will place the compiled jar file in target/
. Instructions to run it
are provided below.
Note: Make sure to specify the output file exactly, including the extension. We output file contents into whatever
file you specify, so if you want the outputs in output.csv
, then you have to give output.csv
as the final part
of the output argument. Examples are provided below.
$SPARK_BASE/bin/spark-submit --master [master_location] --class com.datamonkeys.phase3.Driver target/group6_phase3.jar [path_to_input] [path_to_output.csv]
Example 1 (Local):
$SPARK_BASE/bin/spark-submit --master local --class com.datamonkeys.phase3.Driver target/group6_phase3.jar "hdfs://localhost:9000/usr/ubuntu/yellow_cab_ten_thousand.csv" "hdfs://localhost:9000/path/to/output/group6_phase3_result.csv"
Example 2 (EC2 Cluster):
$SPARK_BASE/bin/spark-submit --master spark:// --class com.datamonkeys.phase3.Driver target/group6_phase3.jar "hdfs://localhost:9000/usr/ubuntu/yellow_cab_one_million.csv" "hdfs://localhost:9000/path/to/output/group6_phase3_result.csv"
Output Location: You can output to the current directory by specifying [path_to_output.csv]
as just the filename, like
this: group6_phase3_result.csv
. If you want to output to a directory in HDFS, you must give the fully qualified path, like
this: hdfs://localhost:9000/path/to/output/group6_phase3_result.csv
On our EC2 Spark Cluster, we have these 3 configuration properties set in our $SPARK_BASE/conf/
files, but it is most likely overkill for our implementation of MapReduce.