Releases: BatLabLancaster/preparenovonix
Releases · BatLabLancaster/preparenovonix
Added get_num_measurements function
Column names
The code includes now a function to read the names of the data columns.
Minor updates
Minor updates to reflect the changes needed for the continuous testing and vcoverage to work correctly, plus the packaging in pyi.
Code made modular
The package has been split in different modules. Tests have been included for each function. A plotting routine has also been added to be able to test the processed data.
Improve formatting, close to PEP8.
0.0.3 Updated for new release
Further tests and python packaging
This new release includes further tests and the needed information for be converted into a python package that can be installed through pip.
First release
First release of the code for cleaning and extend the raw data produced by Novonix battery cyclers.