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Finn BoT SDK to interact with Banking of things Service using Java programming language to enable 
IoT devices with autonomous payments. For more information, visit us at

Supported Features

Sl. No SDK Feature Status Remarks
1 Pairing through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) ๐Ÿ‘ Supported in Library Mode
2 Pairing through QR Code ๐Ÿ‘ Supported only in Webserver mode through end point /qrcode to get generated QRCode for device to be paired
3 Secured HTTP with BoT Service ๐Ÿ‘ Supported for all interactions with backend server
4 Logging ๐Ÿ‘ Supported with Java Util Logging for SDK and Springboot logging for Webserver. Default log path is /tmp.
5 Offline Actions ๐Ÿ‘Ž Helps to persist the autonomous payments on the device when there is no internet connectivity available. The saved offline actions get completed when the next action trigger happens and internet connectivity is available. This feature is in plan for implementation.


  • Hardware Devices

  • Software Tools


    • Make sure the above listed tools are already available for the systems running Mac OS, Linux and Windows.
    • For Raspberry Pi Zero, the install script make install takes care of installing all required software tools.
    • To Disable password for sudo:
      • Edit the file /etc/sudoers
      • Append line at the end: $USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
  • Login to Maker Portal with GitHub Account
  • Define the required payment action at Maker Portal under Statistics -> Actions -> CREATE SERVICE PAYMENT
  • Make note of makerID and actionID to be used in below following sections
  • Download and Install FINN Mobile App
  • Signup / Signin to FINN Mobile Application using the magic link on mobile phone

Getting Started with Java SDK on Raspberry Pi Zero as Standalone Server

  • Setup Raspberry Pi Zero
  • Get SDK Source from BoT-Java-SDK Repository using git clone / downloading the zip
    • Install Git using the command apt-get install git if it's not available on Raspbian
  • Go to BoT-Java-SDK directory and perform below steps in sequence to setup the sdk
    • Install all required prequisite packages by executing the command make install. It may take couple of minutes to complete based on network speed, if it's first time execution
    • Run make reset to remove any previous device configurations persisted, provide options to reset everything
    • Configure the device by executing the command make configure
    • Pair the device with the FINN Mobile App using BLE Feature
      • Login to FINN Mobile Application and search for BLE Device to pair
    • Start the embed webserver present in sdk by executing the command make startServer. It may take couple of minutes to successfully start the Webserver.
      • After successful server start, it displays the base url. Make note of IP Address
    • We can also pair the device using the /qrcode end point exposed by the webserver with the FINN Mobile App
    • Add Service to paired device on FINN Mobile App
    • Retrieve Actions from Maker Portal by accessing the /actions endpoint exposed by the webserver
    • To trigger the payment, post an action by accessing the /actions endpoint with Json data having actionId as given below and replace the server-ip with the actual IP Address collected from base url above
    • Stop the webserver by executing the command make stopServer
    • SDK also had got the feature to reset the device configuration by executing the command make reset when it's no longer needed
    • For all the above described steps, the default log files location is /tmp/java-sdk-*.log
    • Go to the Maker Portal under the tab Statistics -> Customers -> Click on Customer ID field to view the connected devices
    • Go to the Maker Portal to check the autonomous payments status under the tab Statistics -> Actions -> Payments -> Click on the Action Name to view the action statistics
    • Run make rerest to remove the existing configurations before going with fresh make configure

Getting Started with SDK as a Java Library

Build the BoT-Java-SDK Jar

  • Clone BoT-Java-SDK using git or Download the and extract
  • Go to BoT-Java-SDK directory
  • Update the required fields for the samples present in the path src/main/java/com/finn/bot/examples like
    • MakerID from Maker Portal
    • actionID from Maker Portal
    • actionTriggerInterval, default is 5 minutes
    • IP Address of the board/system where the Embed Webserver is going to be executed. Update IP Address in the baseURL field present in the webserver samples
  • Execute the command mvn clean package to build BoT-Java-SDK.jar into the path BoT-Java-SDK/target
  • As quick steps,
    • Run make install, it may take couple of minutes to complete based on network speed, if it's first time execution
    • Run make startServer, it may take couple of minutes to successfully start the Webserver. We should see baseURL at the end after successful start of the Webserver.
    • Directly go to section Java SDK Samples Execution below

Consume the BoT-Java-SDK Jar as Java Library

  • Include BoT-Java-SDK.jar in the classpath
  • SDK provides below listed APIs as part of SDKWrapper Class to be used in Java Application
    • Pair and Activate the IoT Device for autonomous payments - SDKWrapper.pairAndActivateDevice
    • Trigger an autonomous payment - SDKWrapper.triggerAction
    • Reset the device configuration - SDKWrapper.resetDeviceConfiguration
  • For complete details on using BoT-Java-SDK as Java Library, refer to built-in examples available in examples package

Bootstrap embed WebServer for Java SDK

  • We need below given prerequisite setup files to be copied to the directory from where BoT-Java-SDK.jar to be executed
    • Copy logback.xml from the path BoT-Java-SDK/src/main/resources to the execution directory
    • Copy bleno-service.js from the path BoT-Java-SDK/src/main/resources to the execution directory
    • Copy from the path BoT-Java-SDK/src/main/resources to the execution directory
  • Make sure redis-server is up and running before executing the BoT-Java-SDK.jar
  • To bootstrap the webserver and consume the ReST endpoints, execute the command java -jar BoT-Java-SDK.jar server
    • The available end points to consume are /qrcode /actions /pairing /activate
    • The server log can be found at the location /tmp/BoT-Java-SDK-Webserver.log
    • We should see the server access base URL at the end of the successful start of the Java SDK Webserver
    • The Webserver's baseURL can be used by external clients to consume the exposed endpoints
    • Webserver can be stopped by running make stopServer from BoT-Java-SDK/

Java SDK Samples Execution

Single Pair Device Sample

  • Go to BoT-Java-SDK/target directory
  • Run the commandjava -jar BoT-Java-SDK.jar libSample
  • Pair and Activate the device using FINN Mobile Application throuhg BLE Service
  • Observe the triggerring of autonomous payments from the device for every configured interval in the application
  • All library samples use bleno-service.js for pairing through BLE. By default, it should be available in the execution directory, i.e BoT-Java-SDK/target
  • To run the library sample with custom path for bleno-service.js, use the below command
    • java -Dbleno.service.path=bleno-directory -jar BoT-Java-SDK.jar libSample
  • Press <Ctrl-C> to interrupt and quit the running sample
  • The log entries for Java SDK can be found in /tmp/java-sdk.log.* files
  • Go to the Maker Portal under the tab Statistics -> Customers -> Click on Customer ID field to view the connected devices
  • Go to the Maker Portal to check the autonomous payments status under the tab Statistics -> Actions -> Payments -> Click on the Action Name to view the action statistics

Multi Pair Device Sample

  • Go to BoT-Java-SDK/target directory
  • Run the command java -jar BoT-Java-SDK.jar libMultiPairSample
  • Pair and Activate the device using FINN Mobile Application throuhg BLE Service
  • Observe the triggerring of autonomous payments from the device for every configured interval in the application
  • All library samples use bleno-service.js for pairing through BLE. By default, it should be available in the execution directory, i.e BoT-Java-SDK/target
  • To run the library sample with custom path for bleno-service.js, use the below command
    • java -Dbleno.service.path=bleno-directory -jar BoT-Java-SDK.jar libSample
  • Press <Ctrl-C> to interrupt and quit the running sample
  • The log entries for Java SDK can be found in /tmp/java-sdk.log.* files
  • Go to the Maker Portal to check the autonomous payments status under the tab Statistics -> Customers -> Click on Customer ID field to view the connected devices
  • Go to the Maker Portal under the tab Statistics -> Actions -> Payments -> Click on the Action Name to view the action statistics

WebServer Sample to consume end points for single pair,

  • Bootstrap the embed webserver present in Java SDK by executing make startServer from BoT-Java-SDK/
  • The server log can be found at the location /tmp/BoT-Java-SDK-Webserver.log
  • We should see the server access base URL at the end of the successful start of the Java SDK Webserver
  • Go to BoT-Java-SDK/target directory
  • Run the command java -jar BoT-Java-SDK.jar serverSample
  • Access QrCode for the device from baseURL/qrcode and pair the device using FINN Mobile Application
  • If pairing can not be done with the stipulated time of max retries, a warning message WARNING: Device Pairing Failed, check the log for details: /tmp/java-sdk.log.* is displayed and the sample quits, rerun the sample using same command as used earlier and try to complete pairing again
  • On successful pairing and activation of the device, we should see the autonomous payments triggered at configured interval of time
  • Press <Ctrl-C> to interrupt and quit the running sample
  • The log entries for Java SDK can be found in /tmp/java-sdk.log.* files
  • Go to the Maker Portal under the tab Statistics -> Customers -> Click on Customer ID field to view the connected devices
  • Go to the Maker Portal to check the autonomous payments status under the tab Statistics -> Actions -> Payments -> Click on the Action Name to view the action statistics

WebServer Sample to consume end points for multi pair,

  • Bootstrap the embed webserver present in Java SDK by executing make startServer from BoT-Java-SDK/
  • The server log can be found at the location /tmp/BoT-Java-SDK-Webserver.log
  • We should see the server access base URL at the end of the successful start of the Java SDK Webserver
  • Go to BoT-Java-SDK/target directory
  • Run the command java -jar BoT-Java-SDK.jar serverMultiPairSample
  • Access QrCode for the device from baseURL/qrcode and pair the device using FINN Mobile Application
  • If pairing can not be done with the stipulated time of max retries, a warning message WARNING: Device Pairing Failed, check the log for details: /tmp/java-sdk.log.* is displayed and the sample quits, rerun the sample using same command as used earlier and try to complete pairing again
  • On successful pairing and activation of the device, we should see the autonomous payments triggered at configured interval of time
  • Press <Ctrl-C> to interrupt and quit the running sample
  • The log entries for Java SDK can be found in /tmp/java-sdk.log.* files
  • Go to the Maker Portal under the tab Statistics -> Customers -> Click on Customer ID field to view the connected devices
  • Go to the Maker Portal to check the autonomous payments status under the tab Statistics -> Actions -> Payments -> Click on the Action Name to view the action statistics


Any improvement to the FINN SDK are very much welcome! Our software is open-source and we believe your input can help create a lively community and the best version of FINN. Weโ€™ve already implemented much of the feedback given to us by community members and will continue to do so. Join them by contributing to the SDK or by contributing to the documentation.



Slack is our main feedback channel for the SDK and documentation. Join our Slack channel and be part of the FINN community.


We also organize meetups, e.g. demo or hands-on workshops. Keep an eye on our meetup group for any events coming up soon. Here you will be able to see the FINN software in action and meet the team.

About FINN

After winning the ING Innovation Bootcamp in 2017, FINN is now part of the ING Accelerator Program. Our aim is to become the new Internet of Things (IoT) payment standard that enables service-led business models. FINN offers safe, autonomous transactions for smart devices. We believe our software offers tremendous business opportunities. However, at heart, we are enthusiasts. Every member of our team has a passion for innovation. Thatโ€™s why we love working on FINN.