JackHud is a fork of GageHud. I was actually up to do pretty much the same as cjur3, which was combining Seven's codes into one nice package with settings and all that... but then i found this, so why start a complete new core, when there already is a nice start available? However.. i am not down with some originally included features of GageHud, so instead of pushing some "remove bla feature" pull requests it's probably making more sense to make a fork.
###Features are:
- HUD Tab Stats
- HUD Panel Lists
- Pacified Civilian Markers
- Numerical Suspicion
- Numerical interaction countdown
- Reload interaction circle
- Down Counter / Detection risk indicator
- Kill-Counters
- Flashlight Extender
- Save/Load Preplanning
- Screen Skipping
- Anti accidentally throwing grenades in stealth
- Enhanced Assault Banner
- Some graphical tweaks
- Ingame-voice indicators
- Stamina Meter
- Push to Interact
- Force enable/disable showing of weapon skins in lobby
- Buy all assets
- Armor/Inspire timers
- Laser options
- HPS Meters
- contract broker quick link
- and more...
- writing this list
- alot ...
###Contribution and BugFixes Create a pull request and I will look into it.
####Big Credit to Seven, cjur3, thatguyfrombreakingbad, UndeadSewer, YandereSnake, TimeR, Martini, The whole crew of RestorationMod and the entire modding community. If I forgot to credit somebody, please let me know