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Bandwidth Bandwidth's App Platform Ruby SDK
Notice: As of April 2019, versions of ruby-bandwidth less than 2.0.0 will not be compatible with Bandwidth's V2 Messaging. If you are using Bandwidth's V2 Messaging, you will need to update your ruby-bandwidth gem version to 2.0.0 or above. If you are not using Bandwidth's V2 Messaging, you do not need to update.
With ruby-bandwidth you have access to the entire set of API methods including:
- Account - get user's account data and transactions,
- Application - manage user's applications,
- AvailableNumber - search free local or toll-free phone numbers,
- Bridge - control bridges between calls,
- Call - get access to user's calls,
- Conference - manage user's conferences,
- ConferenceMember - make actions with conference members,
- Domain - get access to user's domains,
- EntryPoint - control of endpoints of domains,
- Error - list of errors,
- Media - list, upload and download files to Bandwidth API server,
- Message - send SMS/MMS, list messages,
- NumberInfo - receive CNUM info by phone number,
- PhoneNumber - get access to user's phone numbers,
- Recording - mamange user's recordings.
Also you can work with Bandwidth XML using special types (in namespace Bandwidth::Xml
Version | Notes |
2.0.4 | Fixed SIP Headers fields for creating a call |
2.0.5 | Fixed SIP key names |
2.0.6 | Changed timeout to 140 seconds |
3.0.0 | Update error responses. Errors::GenericError now returns the status code as code and the response body as message . Errors::GenericIrisError now returns only when the http code is >= 400 |
Via rubygems:
gem install ruby-bandwidth
or add to your Gemfile:
gem "ruby-bandwidth"
- Install
, - Get user id, api token and secret - to use the Catapult API you need these data. You can get them here on the tab "Account",
- Set user id, api token and secret - you can do that with 2 ways:
client = => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret")
# Or you can use default client instance
# Do that only once
Client.global_options = {:user_id => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret"}
All "static" (classs) functions support 2 ways to be called: with client instance as first arg or without client instance (default client instance will be used then)
client = => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret")
calls = Bandwidth::Call.list(client, {:page => 1})
# Or you can use default client instance
# You should set up its global options before using of api functions
calls = Bandwidth::Call.list(:page=>1)
Read Catapult Api documentation for more details
All examples assume you have already setup your auth data!
List all calls from special number
calls = Bandwidth::Call.list({:from => "+19195551212"})
client = => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret")
calls = Bandwidth::Call.list(client, {:from => "+19195551212"})
List all received messages
messages = Bandwidth::Message.list({:state => "received"})
client = => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret")
messages = Bandwidth::Message.list(client, {:state => "received"})
Send SMS
message = Bandwidth::Message.create({:from => "+19195551212", :to => "+191955512142", :text => "Test"})
client = => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret")
message = Bandwidth::Message.create(client, {:from => "+19195551212", :to => "+191955512142", :text => "Test"})
Send some SMSes
statuses = Bandwidth::Message.create([{:from => "+19195551212", :to => "+191955512142", :text => "Test"}, {:from => "+19195551212", :to => "+191955512143", :text => "Test2"}])
client = => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret")
statuses = Bandwidth::Message.create(client, [{:from => "+19195551212", :to => "+191955512142", :text => "Test"}, {:from => "+19195551212", :to => "+191955512143", :text => "Test2"}])
Upload file
Bandwidth::Media.upload("avatar.png","/local/path/to/file.png", "r"), "image/png")
client = => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret")
Bandwidth::Media.upload(client, "avatar.png","/local/path/to/file.png", "r"), "image/png")
Make a call
call = Bandwidth::Call.create({:from => "+19195551212", :to => ""+191955512142"})
client = => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret")
call = Bandwidth::Call.create(client, {:from => "+19195551212", :to => ""+191955512142"})
Reject incoming call
Create a gather
gather = call.create_gather({:max_digits => 3, :inter_digit_timeout => 5, :prompt => {:sentence => "Please enter 3 digits"}})
Start a conference
conference = Bandwidth::Conference.create({:from => "+19195551212"})
client = => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret")
conference = Bandwidth::Conference.create(client, {:from => "+19195551212"})
Connect 2 calls to a bridge
bridge = Bandwidth::Bridge.create({:call_ids => [call_id1, call_id2]})
client = => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret")
bridge = Bandwidth::Bridge.create(client, {:call_ids => [call_id1, call_id2]})
Search available local numbers to buy
numbers = Bandwidth::AvailableNumber.search_local({:state =>"NC", :city => "Cary"})
client = => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret")
numbers = Bandwidth::AvailableNumber.search_local(client, {:state =>"NC", :city => "Cary"})
Get CNAM info for a number
info = Bandwidth::NumberInfo.get("+19195551212")
client = => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret")
info = Bandwidth::NumberInfo.get(client, "+19195551212")
Buy a phone number
number = Bandwidth::PhoneNumber.create({:number => "+19195551212"})
client = => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret")
number = Bandwidth::PhoneNumber.create(client, {:number => "+19195551212"})
List recordings
list = Bandwidth::Recording.list()
client = => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret")
list = Bandwidth::Recording.list(client)
Generate Bandwidth XML
response =
speak_sentence ={:sentence => "Transferring your call, please wait.", :voice => "paul", :gender => "male", :locale => "en_US"})
transfer ={
:transfer_to => "+13032288849",
:transfer_caller_id => "private",
:speak_sentence => {
:sentence => "Inner speak sentence.",
:voice => "paul",
:gender => "male",
:locale => "en_US"
hangup =
response << speak_sentence << transfer << hangup
# as alternative way we can pass list of verbs to constructor of Response
# response =[speak_sentence, transfer, hangup])
puts response.to_xml()
See directory samples
for more examples.
See ruby-bandwidth-example for more complex examples of using this module.
Send SMS (v2)
auth_data = {user_name: 'user', password: 'password', account_id: 'accountId', subaccount_id: 'subaccountId'}
# Before sending sms you should have messaging application on Bandwidth dashboard. You should create it by next call
application = Bandwidth::V2::Message.create_messaging_application(auth_data, {
:name => 'My messaging application',
:callback_url => 'http://server/to/handle/messages/events',
:location_name => 'current',
:is_default_location => false,
:sms_options => {:toll_free_enabled => true},
:mms_options => {:enabled => true}
# After that you should reserve 1 or some phone nubmers on Bandwidth Dashboard
numbers = Bandwidth::V2::Message.search_and_order_numbers(auth_data, application) do |query|
query.AreaCodeSearchAndOrderType do |b|
# Now you can send messages from reserved numbers. Don't forget to pass :application_id
client = => "userId", :api_token => "token", :api_secret => "secret")
message = Bandwidth::V2::Message.create(client, {:from => numbers[0], :to => ["+191955512142"], :text => "Test", :application_id => application[:application_id]})
Generates documentation:
yard doc