Account Management\Compare-Compromised.ps1
Retrieves a list of emails from emails.txt, and compares them to breaches on "Have I Been Pwned"
Account Management\Compare-CompromisedAD.ps1
Connects to Active Directory to gather a list of E-Mail addresses, and compares them to breaches on "Have I Been Pwned"
Account Management\New-Leaver.ps1
Processes a new Leaver by disabling AD accounts, and removing O365 licenses
Account Management\New-Starter.ps1
Processes a new Starter by creating an AD/O365 account, assigning a license, and sending a Welcome email
Active Directory\Get-ADMMembership.ps1
Retrieves a list of group membership for all ADM accounts, and outputs a list for each domain to a csv: ADM-Group-Membership-DOMAIN.csv
Active Directory\Get-ADServer.ps1
Attempts to find all the servers ($Servers) in various known domains via AD, and DNS. Passwords need adding to lines 54-64.
Active Directory\Get-ADUser-IllegalChar.ps1
Retrieves a list of user accounts that have problematic characters included. E.g. Tab, New Lines, etc.
Active Directory\Get-DCUpgradeStatus.ps1
Checks the DCs in the forest for some historical compatibility issues
Active Directory\Get-GroupMemberOf.ps1
Retrieves a list of group membership for all groups in users OU, and outputs to csv: Group-MemberOf.csv
Active Directory\Get-GroupMembership.ps1
Retrieves a list of group membership for all groups in users OU, in multiple domains, and outputs to csv: C:\temp\Group-Members-DOMAINSHORT.csv
Active Directory\Get-SDHolderMembers.ps1
Retrieves a list of users that are a member of an SD Holder group, in all domains, and outputs to csv: SDHolderMembers.csv
Active Directory\Get-VMAdmins.ps1
Retreives a list of users that are members of Administrators group in the Local Admin Servers/Workstations OUs, and outputs to csv: C:\temp\Computer-Admin-Group-Members-DOMAINSHORT.csv
Active Directory\Get-WBInfo.ps1
Retreives a backup policies from Windows Backup, on Domain Controllers
Active Directory\Invoke-ADReplication.ps1
Starts an AD replication in both directions, for all Domain Controllers in the Forest
Active Directory\New-ADUGGroup.ps1
Takes information from NewUGGroups.csv, and creates new security groups with the specified users
Active Directory\New-ADUser.ps1
Takes informations from NewUsers.csv, and creates new user accounts, that are ready to be added to relevant group memberships
Active Directory\Set-SMBv1.ps1
Checks Domain Controllers for the SMBv1 Feature, and installs/enables the configuration
Launches a new AWS Instance Incomplete
Automatically updates the specified IP of the security group in AWS
Collects various information from the PC, and outputs to a CSV file.
This script will redirect "My Documents", "AppData", and "Desktop" to $FR\USERNAME\FOLDER
Removes the stored permanent password for Teamviewer 10
A quick PowerShell script for starting program in a minimized state.
Checks a specified IP Scope usages states
Checks DNS to ensure the Server/IP combination is correct
Checks Google's DNS for the specified DNS name and waits until it appears
Takes a server list in C:\Temp\Servers.txt, and checks each DHCP scope settings to see if the servers are set as DNS Servers, and outputs to csv: C:\Temp\DNS.csv
Cleans up databases with disconnected mailboxes (Exchange 2007)
Gets the latest Engine definition information currently on Exchange
Migrates the active copy of all Exchange databases to/from the passive nodes
Creates a new Mailbox on a specific DB based on department
A quick PowerShell script for starting program in a minimized state.
[UNFINISHED] Attempts to migrate databases to passive/active nodes, and install windows updates
File Server\Backup-CorruptFiles.ps1
Uses the file paths listed in CorruptFileRestore.txt, to copy the files from $SrcDrive to $DestDrive, while maintaining the folder structure
File Server\Disable-DFSRConnections.ps1
Disables the DFS-R Connections on the specified server
File Server\Enable-DFSRConnections.ps1
Enables the DFS-R Connections on the specified server
File Server\Migrate-UserHomeDrives.ps1
Retrieves a list of folders in $SrcHome, and migrates them evenly across the destination folders in $NewHome. NOTE: Check the line comments for live/test actions.
File Server\Restore-CorruptFiles.ps1
Uses the file paths listed in CorruptFileRestore.txt, to copy the files from $SrcDrive to $DestDrive, overwriting the existing files. Excludes files modified after $DestRestoreDate
File Server\Update-FileServers.ps1
[UNFINISHED] This will bring down DFS-N/R on the servers from the text files, install windows updates, and bring DFS-R/N back up afterwards
Folder Management\Archive-Folder.ps1
(Re)Moves all files/folders in the subdirectories of a given folder.
Folder Management\Archive-FolderEnhanced.ps1
A quick PowerShell script for the backup of an entire directory, to another directory while stopping associated services
Folder Management\Archive-WoTReplays.ps1
Archives all World of Tank replays in to an Archive folder, except the most recent month
Folder Management\Compare-FileLoss.ps1
Keeps a record of all filenames in the Paths, and detects if any have disappeared since the day before
Folder Management\Convert-CSV.ps1
Converts a CSV file into XLS
Folder Management\Move-CameraFiles.ps1
Organizes the Camera files in to Folders by date
Folder Management\Set-Permissions.ps1
Removes Non-Inherited access, and grants full control/owner rights
Mounts and Optimises VHD disks in Hyper-V to reduce disk size
Checks what Kerberos Encryption ciphers are enabled on the server (Server 2016)
This is a simple Powershell script to update a list of specified servers
Re-Generates the file with the latest information from all scripts
This is a simple Powershell script to restart a list of servers in a specific order/groupings
Restarts the NLA Service on the servers contain in a .txt file
Restarts the NLA Service on the servers contain in a .txt file - Contains basic error checking, and tracking of failed servers