--- 2007-10-24 Release 7.10.4 ---
A major productivity change introduced in this release is
tab-completion in MGED. John Anderson's addition of tab-completion to
MGED allows modelers to have command and object names automatically
completed when they press the tab key when operating on the MGED
command line. If there are multiple matches, the user is presented
with the list of those possible matches, similar to what one might see
in a UNIX shell.
After much debate and demand, this minor release marks a rather
significant change in default behaviors for RT and MGED. The
ray-tracers that utilize a framebuffer interface now all create
lingering windows by default instead of transient windows. One of the
main impacts of this change is that users should no longer need to
specify the linger option when ray-tracing to a window via the -F
framebuffer option nor do they need to set the FB_FILE environment
variable in order to get the window to remain displayed.
Additionally, the default MGED preference setting for Z clipping is
now disabled in order to reduce confusion with clipped geometry.
* lingering framebuffer windows by default - Sean Morrison
* improved matrix readability on mged 'red' command - Karel Kulhavy
* "editor" for ted commands can be set in .mgedrc - Erik Greenwald
* fixed benchmark results computation on Solaris - Erik Greenwald
* fixed database corruption bug caused during dbconcat - John Anderson
* mirror BoT primitives - Sean Morrison
* BoT vertex selection in mged reports local units - Sean Morrison
* improved photon map irradiance progress reporting - Erik Greenwald
* tab-completion for mged - John Anderson
* quelled various flawfinder security issues - Erik Greenwald
* fixed photon-mapping lighting model crash - Erik Greenwald
* ADRT libtie bug fixes and performance enhancements - Justin Shumaker
* mged now tests for vim before vi for text editing - Sean Morrison
* fixed parallel operability bug on the Intel Mac - Erik Greenwald
* detect actual available CPUs on an Intel Mac - Erik Greenwald
* Z clipping now off by default in mged - Sean Morrison
* added pipe primitive performance optimizations - John Anderson
* handle discontinuous changes in pipe inner radii - John Anderson
* allow rt more than available cpus for debugging - Sean Morrison
* fixed small TGC (cone) primitive raytrace prep bug - Sean Morrison
* increased output precision from nirt/query_ray - Sean Morrison
* removed op-bw for reading Optronics Scanner images - Sean Morrison
* beset - Ben's Evolutionary Shape Extraction Tool - Ben Poole