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Releases: BPEssentials/Core

BP-Essentials v2.5.1

29 Jun 12:45
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Version 2.5.1 - 2018-06-29 | Game Version 0.81


  • Fixed issue with SvAddCrime (multiple, actually)
  • Fixed issue with /logs not working

BP-Essentials v2.5.0

28 Jun 21:35
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Version 2.5.0 - 2018-06-28 | Game Version 0.81

You must recreate/redownload your settings file for this update. (will happen automatically on boot)


  • Fixed issue with announcement interval not updating on reload
  • Fixed some variable naming violations
  • Fixed bug with typing /reload when you just became admin
  • Fixed bug with auto banning someone


  • You can use line break (\n, \r\n) in announcements now.
  • Deleted ExecuteOnPlayer.cs, and moved all code to their own file.
  • Changed return type of commands from boolean to void, no idea why we choose boolean in the first case.
  • Argument object oPlayer went to SvPlayer player because there was no need to cast it.
  • Converted CurrentMenu to a enum.
  • Updated ID List.
  • Updated to game version 0.81


  • /promote [username/id] command. Promotes user to next rank
  • /clear [username/id] command. Clears users inventory
  • /spy command. Spy on all commands users enter.
  • /tpapartment command. teleports to the apartment you provided as argument (eg /tpapartment 10k)
  • You can now block the ban button on the tab menu from getting used (So you can force using the /ban command)
  • Added discord integration! You can now automaticlly log bans in your discord channel along with a reason (Reason can only be added through the /ban command.)

  • You can now whitelist who is allowed to get a specific job! You can check on group, jobindex, and if the player is admin.
    It looks something like this:
"WhitelistedJobs": [
    "JobIndex": 12, // This rule applies to job Spec Ops (jobindex 12 is specops)
    "Whitelist": "jobindex:3, group:VIP, admins" // the user must have:
      // JobIndex 3, or 
      // is in the group VIP, or 
      // is a admin

Jobs that are left out will be accessible to everyone.
I could understand that this is confusing at first so please contact me on discord with any questions! (Discord: UserR00T#5907)

  • Added a way to blacklist items! People cannot buy the items, but they can still equip them.
  • Godmode now blocks getting crimes and losing EXP! This can be changed in the config.
  • New command handler! EssentialsChat is not static anymore, and commands get loaded by the settings file now.
  • Command list went from Command and Command2 in the settings file to a string array.
      "CommandName": "Say",
      "Command": "say",
      "Command2": "broadcast",
      "ExecutableBy": "admins",
      "Disabled": false

Went to

      "CommandName": "Say",
      "Commands": [
      "ExecutableBy": "admins",
      "Disabled": false

This is not limited to 2 commands only now.

  • Added debug option to see if all commands get loaded, and when post requests get send.
  • Added variable to indicate if its a pre release and if it should download a different config.

BP-Essentials v2.4.4

17 Jun 21:59
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Version 2.4.4 - 2018-06-17 | Game Version 0.80


  • Updated to game version 0.80

BP-Essentials v2.4.3

31 May 13:58
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Version 2.4.3 - 2018-05-31 | Game Version 0.79a


  • You can now change the report reasons in the config file.

BP-Essentials v2.4.2

27 May 08:57
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Version 2.4.2 - 2018-05-27 | Game Version 0.79a


  • Updated to game version 0.79a

BP-Essentials v2.4.1

26 May 21:56
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Version 2.4.1 - 2018-05-26 | Game Version 0.79


  • Updated to game version 0.79
  • Fixed issue with /checkalts, auto appending wasn't a good idea after all

BP-Essentials v2.4.0

24 May 15:32
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Version 2.4.0 - 2018-05-24 | Game Version 0.78a


  • Added staff chat! Players can now type /staffchat (can be changed, of course) to enable staff chat. All admins that didn't disable receiving staff messages by typing /disablestaffchat (/dsc) will get that message.
  • It now shows how many IDs are loaded in! whooo


  • Fixed issue with give that would give the item you requested by one off
  • Fixed issue with giving items through the functionUI

BP-Essentials v2.3.0

21 May 19:41
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Version 2.3.0 - 2018-05-21 | Game Version 0.78a


  • Added a way to disable chat for yourself! Especially useful if you're a youtuber.
  • You can now create the ID list yourself! So if I'm to lazy to create a new one, just type /debug createidlist json and copy it over to Essentials/ID_list.txt Don't forget to disable DownloadIDList in the settings file!


  • Updated ID list woooo! No more DM's about it please :)
  • Changed how Confirm to delete apartment worked
  • Changed Key and Value of the playerList Dictionary around (No idea why I didn't do that in the first case)
  • The ID list website takes the JSON file from now because I can't use HTTPS on BP.

BP-Essentials v2.2.13

17 May 19:46
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Version 2.2.13 - 2018-05-17 | Game Version 0.78a


Fixed a bug with selling your apartment
Logs bans in console now


Updated to game version 0.78a

BP-Essentials v2.2.12

16 May 13:47
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Version 2.2.12 - 2018-05-16 | Game Version 0.78


Fixed bug with saving every x minutes


Updated to game version 0.78