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Releases: BPEssentials/Core

BP-Essentials v2.6.5

03 Apr 15:19
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Version 2.6.5 - 2019-04-03 | Game Version 0.95+


  • The issues with SetJob and CleanupApartment have been solved. This issue was caused by obfuscation added in 0.94.

How To Install

BP-Essentials v2.6.4

24 Mar 09:52
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Version 2.6.4 - 2019-03-24 | Game Version 0.94+


  • Fixed NullReferenceException with SetJob.
  • Fixed an exploit that could be used to farm money. Because of this, please update as soon as possible.


  • Empty report reasons are now allowed and will be hidden.

How To Install

BP-Essentials v2.6.3

05 Feb 17:41
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Version 2.6.3 - 2019-02-05 | Game Version 0.91+

NOTE: You need to fetch a new config file or manually add values to the old one.

NOTE2: Config extensions & names have changed:

NOTE3: Logging has temporarily been disabled. fortunately; you can view a server log from root/Server.log. BP-ConsoleMonitor Does not work right now.

NOTE4: This is the second time of writing this due to a BSOD. I might've forgotten some things in this list.


  • Added ExpandableFileHandler. Handles files for Kits and Warps.
  • Added MultiDictonary


  • Fixed issue with announcements
  • Fixed issue when banning someone from the tab menu
  • Fixed issue with /pay - wrong person as the target
  • Fixed issue with /feed - wrong person as the target when targeting someone else
  • Fixed issue with /tpjob
  • Fixed issue with /home inside any interior


  • Changed version field to be the one used in the assembly description: screenshot
  • Changed Announce.cs to singleton instance
  • Changed playerList to property
  • Changed some class names EssentialsVariablesPlugin->Variables, EssentialsMethodsPlugin->HookMethods, EssentialsChatPlugin->HookChat, etc.
  • Changed FunctionMenu to be more dynamic and allow easier changing
  • You can now set warps inside interior! (PlaceIndex added) However, apartments are not allowed.

How to install:

  1. Download the files from the latest version. (That may be this one)
  2. Put Newtonsoft.Json.dll and System.Runtime.Serialization.dll inside your root/BrokeProtocol_Data/Managed folder. screenshot
  3. Create a new folder in root/ called Plugins. screenshot
  4. Put BP_Essentials inside the folder you just created (Plugins)
  5. Download the latest UUH version from here. Put this file in your root/ folder. screenshot
  6. Run UniversalUnityHooks.exe before running Server.bat. You can also use this Server.bat script to run UUH before running the server: ServerInjector.bat -Runs UUH before running BP. Put that file in your root/ folder.

Any questions may be asked in my discord DM's: UserR00T#5907. Thank you!

BP-Essentials v2.6.2

17 Jan 14:54
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Version 2.6.2 - 2019-01-17 | Game Version 0.90

NOTE: You need to fetch a new config file or manually add values to the old one.

NOTE2: There is currently an issue with Unity that doesn't allow Debug.Log's to go through. A bug report has already been created. To fix this problem for now, remove -nographics from Server.bat so it should look something like

@echo off
echo Make sure UDP ports 5557 and 5558 are open to connect to masterserver
echo Server process starting
echo Ctrl+Alt+Del to Kill
BrokeProtocol.exe -batchmode

Happy new year to the ones I didn't see on discord! I hope everyone had a great time.


  • Added /me - Sends a message with a specific format set in the config.
  • Added /tpjob - Teleports you to an specific NPC boss.
  • Added /snap - Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. (Kills half of the server)
  • Added /repairvehicle - Repairs the vehicle you're currently in.
  • Added /back - Teleports you back to your last known position.
  • Added /sudo - Executes something as a different user. (Can be commands or a chat message.)
  • Added username:USERNAME for permission system. Can be added to specific commands to only allow one user to run said command.
  • Added AllowWhileJailed on command object. If true, will allow the user to execute that command while in jail.
  • Added JobColor to placeholders.


  • Fixed issue with /home teleporting under the map.
  • Fixed issue with SvPlaceInJail.
  • Fixed jail message when you jailed an NPC.
  • Fixed issue when you create an kit.
  • Fixed issue with PM'ing and replying.
  • FIxed issue with /spy not working on custom commands.
  • Fixed issue with /wipe.
  • Fixed issue with newline breaks on annoucements.
  • Fixed issue when saving while someone disconnected.


  • Updated to game version 0.90
  • Disallowed teleporting to yourself.
  • Updated ID list.

BP-Essentials v2.6.1

08 Dec 22:59
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Version 2.6.1 - 2018-12-08 | Game Version 0.89

NOTE: You can just change version in the config file to 2.6.1, nothing changed in that file.


  • Updated to game version 0.89

BP-Essentials v2.6.0

11 Nov 22:41
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Version 2.6.0 - 2018-11-11 | Game Version 0.88a


  • Added kit price, set to 0 to disable
  • Added delete kit command
  • Added warps, almost the same as kits


  • Updated to game version 0.88a

BP-Essentials v2.5.15

28 Oct 21:36
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Version 2.5.15 - 2018-10-28 | Game Version 0.87


  • Added a option to commands to detect when a user has cuffs on and block the usage of the command.


  • Fixed issue with /home while inside an apartment.
  • Fixed nullref when arresting and jailing someone as a cop.


  • Added a few [Obsolete] tags on TpLocation related commands. Going to be changed in a future update.

BP-Essentials v2.5.13

15 Oct 19:22
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Version 2.5.13 - 2018-10-15 | Game Version 0.86a

NOTE: You can just change version in the config file to 2.5.13, nothing changed in that file.


  • Fixed a bug with custom commands
  • Fixed a bug with invoking no-arg run methods of commands (/confirm and /save)
  • Fixed a bug with CheckBanned

BP-Essentials v2.5.12

14 Oct 22:12
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Version 2.5.12 - 2018-10-14 | Game Version 0.86a

NOTE: You can just change version in the config file to 2.5.12, nothing changed in that file.


  • Updated to game version 0.86a

BP-Essentials v2.5.14

27 Oct 13:41
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Version 2.5.14 - 2018-10-27 | Game Version 0.87

NOTE: You can just change version in the config file to 2.5.14, nothing changed in that file.


  • Fixed an issue with saving inside your apartment


  • Updated to game version 0.87