This repository covers various topics in TypeScript to help you understand and use TypeScript effectively.
No. | Topic | Description |
1. | TypeScript Installation | Installation of TypeScript globally using npm |
2. | TypeScript Basics | Overview of TypeScript basics, including folder structure initialization |
3. | Data Types in TypeScript | Understanding various data types in TypeScript |
4. | Best Practices with TypeScript | Best practices and coding conventions in TypeScript |
5. | Keywords: Any | Explanation of the any keyword and its usage |
6. | Functions in TypeScript (Part 1) | Simple functions and default parameter values |
7. | Functions in TypeScript (Part 2) | Return types, map functions, void return type, never return type |
8. | Objects in TypeScript | Working with objects in TypeScript |
9. | Type Alias in TypeScript | Creating and using type aliases in TypeScript |
10. | Advanced Usage of Type Alias in TypeScript | Readonly keyword, optional properties, combined types |
11. | Arrays in TypeScript | Handling arrays, including 1D and 2D arrays |
12. | Union Types in TypeScript | Understanding union types |
13. | Tuple Enum in TypeScript | Definition and usage of tuple enums in TypeScript |
14. | Enums in TypeScript | Enumerations and their usage in TypeScript |
15. | Interfaces in TypeScript | Introduction to interfaces and their role in TypeScript |
16. | Interface vs Type in TypeScript | Comparison between interfaces and types in TypeScript |
17. | Installation of TypeScript | Setting up TypeScript project, including initialization and setup |
18. | Classes in TypeScript | Object-oriented programming with classes in TypeScript |
19. | Public & Private in TypeScript | Access modifiers in TypeScript classes |
20. | Getters and Setters in TypeScript | Using getters and setters in TypeScript classes |
21. | Inheritance in TypeScript | Implementing inheritance in TypeScript classes |
22. | Interfaces (Abstraction) in TypeScript | Abstraction concepts using interfaces in TypeScript |
23. | Abstract Classes in TypeScript | Abstract classes, super keyword, and abstract methods |
24. | Generics in TypeScript | Introduction to generics, usage in arrays, functions, and classes |
25. | Type Narrowing in TypeScript | Techniques for narrowing types in TypeScript, instanceof, type predicates |
26. | Discriminated Union & Exhaustiveness Checking | Advanced TypeScript concepts for type safety |
Each topic provides an overview of its key concepts and practical examples to aid in your learning journey. Feel free to explore each section in depth according to your needs.