Releases: Azure/cloud-for-sovereignty-policy-portfolio
Release v2.0.0
- Deploy to Azure functionality now available
- Custom policies can now be deployed using 'Deploy to Azure' functionality
- Makes deployment and assignment process easier for customers
- Policy Initiatives:
- NIS2 Preview: NIS2 Policy initiative preview now available as a custom policy initiative
- ISM: Removed Preview tag in Azure Policy, updates to policy definitions, removal of deprecated policy definitions
- ACN: Updating deprecated policies, and deployment error with one initiative
- BIO: Version 2.0 of policy initiative
Release v1.6.0
- ACN Initiative
- Updated mapping and json files for all 4 ACN Initiatives to fix deployment errors
- ISM Initiative
- Removed the copy of ISM json file as it is now available as a built-in and maintained in the Azure Policy repo
Please review our official Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty documentation for more details.
Release v1.5.0
- ISM initiative
- Added mapping, framework and json files for New Zealand ISM initiative
Please review our official Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty documentation for more details.
Release v1.4.0
- ENS initiative
- Added mapping, framework and json files for Spain ENS initiative
Please review our official Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty documentation for more details.
Release v1.3.0
- ACN initiative
- Updated to align with the latest guidelines
- Updated mapping files to highlight gaps of controls that do not have policies
- Sovereignty Policy Baseline
- Removed the copy of Sovereignty Policy Baseline as it is now available as a built-in and maintained in the Azure Policy repo
Please review our official Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty documentation for more details.
General Availability v1.0.0
The Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty, including the Policy Portfolio is now generally available. Please review our official Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty documentation for more details.
- Added Cloud Security Alliance Cloud Controls Matrix (CSA CCM v4) as a new custom initiative
- Updated the copy of the Sovereignty Policy Baseline to the latest version
- Updated BIO mapping file permissions
- Replaced the Preview Notice with Microsoft Legal Notice
Public Preview v0.3.1
This release addresses the following issue:
- Inability to view the policy initiative mapping files due to file permissions
Public Preview v0.3.0
The Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty Policy Portfolio aids in customizing deployments to reduce the time needed to audit environments and help meet established regulatory compliance frameworks. Features in this release include policy initiatives and documents in support of Baseline informatiebeveiliging overheid (BIO) and National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN) and a PowerShell script to assist with the deployment of custom initiatives.
Important - Organizations are wholly responsible for ensuring their own compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The information provided in this repository does not constitute legal advice, and organizations should consult their legal advisors for any questions regarding regulatory compliance.