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disabling psrule for now #3

disabling psrule for now

disabling psrule for now #3

name: 'Scenario 1: Bicep Multi-Tenant ASEv3 Secure Baseline'
# Concurrency allows to run 1 cycle at a time
# If worflow is running, 2nd one will automatically go in pending state
# if concurrency is enabled
# If 1st running, 2nd in pending and 3rd is triggered then 2nd which was
# in pending will be cancelled and only 3rd (latest) will run
# If this is enabled it will cancel current running and start latest
# cancel-in-progress: true
# When a concurrent job or workflow is queued,
# if another job or workflow using the same concurrency group in the repository
# is in progress, the queued job or workflow will be pending.
# Any previously pending job or workflow in the concurrency group will be canceled.
# To also cancel any currently running job or workflow in the same concurrency group,
# specify cancel-in-progress: true.
group: '${{ github.workflow }} @ ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.label || github.head_ref || github.ref }}'
cancel-in-progress: false
- main
- refactor/iac-cicd
- '.github/workflows/_template.bicep.yml'
- '.github/workflows/ase-multitenant.bicep.yml'
- 'scenarios/secure-baseline-multitenant/bicep/**.bicep'
- 'scenarios/secure-baseline-multitenant/bicep/parameters/ase-multitenant.parameters.jsonc'
- '!scenarios/secure-baseline-multitenant/**.md'
- main
- '.github/workflows/_template.bicep.yml'
- '.github/workflows/ase-multitenant.bicep.yml'
- 'scenarios/secure-baseline-multitenant/bicep/**.bicep'
- 'scenarios/secure-baseline-multitenant/bicep/parameters/ase-multitenant.parameters.jsonc'
- '!scenarios/secure-baseline-multitenant/**.md'
id-token: write
contents: read
deploymentPath: 'scenarios/secure-baseline-multitenant/bicep/main.bicep'
scenarioName: 'ase-multitenant'
region: 'westus2'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout the code
uses: actions/checkout@main
region: ${{ env.region }}
modulePath: ${{ env.deploymentPath }}
bicepParamPath: ${{ env.deploymentPath }}/parameters/${{ env.scenarioName }}.parameters.jsonc
name: 'Bicep CICD'
- prepare-environment
uses: ./.github/workflows/.template.bicep.yml
region: ${{ needs.prepare-environment.outputs.region }}
modulePath: ${{ needs.prepare-environment.outputs.modulePath }}
bicepParamPath: ${{ needs.prepare-environment.outputs.bicepParamPath }}
# Ensure this value is a boolean
destroy: ${{ github.event.inputs.destroy == 'true' }}
secrets: inherit
# jobs:
# validate:
# name: "Validate Bicep files"
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Checkout the code
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# # Log into Azure via OIDC
# - uses: azure/login@v1
# with:
# client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
# tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
# subscription-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION }}
# - name: Run Bicep linter
# run: az bicep build --file main.bicep
# working-directory: ${{ env.modulePath }}
# # Validate Bicep File
# # Note: Requires same level of permissions to write to resources (no just read only)
# # - name: deployment-validation
# # uses: azure/arm-deploy@v1
# # with:
# # scope: subscription
# # subscriptionId: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION }}
# # region: ${{ env.region }}
# # template: ${{ env.modulePath }}/main.bicep
# # parameters: ${{ env.modulePath }}/main.parameters.jsonc
# # failOnStdErr: false
# # additionalArguments: "--what-if"
# # deploymentMode: Validate
# build-and-deploy:
# # if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' || github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch'
# timeout-minutes: 360
# name: "Deploy Bicep templates"
# needs: [lint, validate]
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# environment: Production
# steps:
# # Checkout code
# - name: Checkout the code
# uses: actions/checkout@main
# # Log into Azure via OIDC
# - uses: azure/login@v1
# with:
# client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
# tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
# subscription-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION }}
# # Validate Bicep File
# - name: what-if
# uses: azure/arm-deploy@v1
# with:
# scope: subscription
# subscriptionId: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION }}
# region: ${{ env.region }}
# template: ${{ env.modulePath }}/main.bicep
# parameters: ${{ env.modulePath }}/main.parameters.jsonc
# failOnStdErr: false
# additionalArguments: "--what-if"
# # Deploy Bicep file
# - name: deploy
# uses: azure/arm-deploy@v1
# with:
# scope: subscription
# subscriptionId: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION }}
# region: ${{ env.region }}
# template: ${{ env.modulePath }}/main.bicep
# parameters: ${{ env.modulePath }}/main.parameters.jsonc
# failOnStdErr: false
# # - name: Run Preflight Validation
# # working-directory: ${{ env.modulePath }}
# # run: |
# # az deployment sub validate \
# # --location ${{ fromJson(env.config).AZURE_LOCATION }} \
# # --parameters --template-file main.bicep
# # Deploy Bicep file, need to point parameters to the main.parameters.json location
# # - name: deploy
# # uses: azure/arm-deploy@v1
# # with:
# # subscriptionId: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION }}
# # scope: subscription
# # region: ${{ fromJson(env.config).AZURE_LOCATION }}
# # deploymentName: "${{ fromJson(env.config).DEPLOYMENT_NAME }}-${{ fromJson(env.config).AZURE_LOCATION }}"
# # template: ${{ env.modulePath }}/main.bicep
# # parameters: >
# # workloadName=${{ fromJson(env.config).RESOURCE_NAME_PREFIX }} environment=${{ fromJson(env.config).ENVIRONMENT_TAG }}
# # vmUsername=${{ fromJson(env.config).VM_USERNAME }} vmPassword=${{ secrets.VM_PW }} location=${{ fromJson(env.config).AZURE_LOCATION }}
# # accountName=${{ secrets.ACCOUNT_NAME }} personalAccessToken=${{ secrets.PAT }} CICDAgentType=${{ fromJson(env.config).CICD_AGENT_TYPE}}
# # createRedisResource=${{ fromJson(env.config).CREATE_REDIS_RESOURCE }} redisTier=${{ fromJson(env.config).REDIS_TIER }}