A simple BMI calculator program for beginner Python programmers to learn basics of Python.
This is a basic BMI calculation program written in Python as a practice project for beginner programmers to learn core concepts like:
- Creating a class and object
- Defining methods
- Docstrings
- User input and output
- Performing calculations
It takes weight and height input from the user, creates an instance of BMICalculator class, calculates the BMI using a method, and prints the result.
The code is commented for explanation and kept simple for easy understanding.
python bmi_calculator.py
Program will output the calculated BMI value.
## Customizing
As a beginner Python project, it can be extended to add:
- Input data validation
- Better code structure
- Proper error handling
- More attributes like age, gender etc.
## Contribution
Beginner programmers are welcome to contribute and improve the code.
## License
Free for beginners to use under [MIT License](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/).