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folder structure

Aldwin Vlasblom edited this page Jan 26, 2016 · 7 revisions

Folder structure

This is how I personally envisioned structuring my folders when I created this skeleton. It might not be your preference, and it is just that.

So take this article as a suggestion, rather than a how-to.

├─ bin/            - Place to put command-line access points.
├─ src/
│  ├─ actions/     - Route end-points.
│  ├─ models/      - Place to put TComb models.
│  ├─ routes/      - Routes for loading into app.js.
│  ├─ processes/   - Place to put complex, long-running processes.
│  ├─ services/    - Place to put services.
│  ├─ types/       - Place to put TComb type-enhancements used by models.
│  ├─ util/        - Place to put utilities.
│  ├─ app.js       - Server entry-point.
│  └─ index.js     - Main entry point.
└─ test/
   ├─ integration/ - Integration tests
   ├─ unit/        - Unit tests
   └─ index.js     - Test runner

Action structure

I like to map the folder structure of my actions as closely as possible to the URLs that lead to calling them. For example: GET /users/1/friends/1 would be dispatched to the action living in actions/users/friends/read.js. The name "read" is based on the fact that this is a GET request (CRUD). Naming conventions I use for other types of requests are listed below.

Action naming

method url name description
POST /collection create insert a new item into the collection
GET /collection index read the entire collection
GET /collection/item read read an item within the collection
PUT /collection replace replace an entire collection
PUT /collection/item update replace an item within the collection
PATCH /collection upsert insert or update many items in the collection
PATCH /collection/item patch modify an item within the collection
DELETE /collection truncate remove all items from a collection
DELETE /collection/item delete remove one item from the collection
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