: open door
: move to door
: move to bedroom
: move to couch
: toggle move to kitchen position 1/2
: take medicine
: go outside
: move to dining
: eat
'arrows' : nagivate camera
'shift+arrows' : move person around
right-click and drag
: pan camera
mouse wheel
: zoom in
A source package must be build in order to use it. It is recommended to manage these packages using a .repos file. In this file, git repositories are listed in a .yaml file format and can be downloaded using vcs. To install vcs you can run:
sudo apt-get install python3-vcstool
Once installed, you can run the following to download all of the dependencies. Run the follwing in the smart-home
vcs import < external.repos.yaml
A binary package can be installed without the need to build it. Official ROS packages can be installed as binary with the following:
sudo apt install ros-{ROS_DISRO}-{PACKAGE_NAME}
For example,
sudo apt install ros-humble-control
However, it is best practice to add all binary packages to the package xml (see example) and then install binary packages with
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y
Note, the above command must be run at the root of the ROS workspace.
Use Blender to view and edit mesh files. When exporting .obj files, make sure that Z is "up" and Y is "forward". The values can be chosen from the export options.
The project is about i) designing a smart home equipped with a socially assistive robot (SAR) and serval internet of things (IoT) devices and ii) evaluating the feasibility of using such a smart home to provide care-giving service for elderly people with dementia. The SAR will execute a range of autonomous behaviors to communicate with the occupant of the smart home as well as all IoT devices to ensure health and well-being of the elderly occupant and the safety of the home.
[1] Tianyi Gu, Momotaz Begum, Naiqian Zhang, Dongpeng Xu, Sajay Arthanat, and Dain P. LaRoche, An Adaptive Software Framework for Dementia-care Robots. Proceedings of the ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics (PlanRob-20), 2020.
[2] Sajay Arthanat, Momotaz Begum, Tianyi Gu, Dain P. LaRoche, Dongpeng Xu, and Naiqian Zhang, Caregiver Perspectives on A Smart Home-based Socially Assistive Robot for Individuals with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 2020.
Speech module
Better TTS voices:
Download the new voice from here then extract and copy it into /usr/share/festival/voices/english
Additional voices can be found here:
ffmpeg ffmpeg
face module package
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-people-msgs
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-jsk-rviz-plugin
sudo pip2 install face_recognition
sudo pip2 install opencv-python
Speech module
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-sound-play
Better TTS voice:
Download the new voice from here then extract and copy it into /usr/share/festival/voices/english
primesense camera drive
sudo apt install libopenni2-dev
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-openni2-launch
sudo apt install ros-humble-depth-image-proc
The primesense camera has to be connect to usb2.0 port
Aria package(for rosaria)
sudo apt install libaria-dev
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-mongodb-store
Pull and build SHR
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone [email protected]:AssistiveRoboticsUNH/smart-home.git
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin build
# if you are using youcompleteme so need a compile database:
# catkin build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1
Grant usb port read permission
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
Have to reboot after.
Laser Scan Ethernet Config
On onboard labtop, set ethernet ip as
The default set for lms500 is, and we don't have to change this. The labtop ethernet have to be in the same ip domain, so anything similar to 192.168.0.x will work. Here we use This is a reference artical in chinese about the LMS500 laser.
Set up for remote control
Add this to .bashr or .zshrc:
- on board labtop
# need to add this to onboard labtop that runs roscore
export ROS_IP=
# set to localhost for onboard labtop that runs roscore
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
# IP of onboard labtop that runs roscore
- remote control pc or labtop
# IP of onboard labtop that runs roscore
# IP of remote pc
export ROS_HOSTNAME=10.21.98,194
Set up for audio and video resource
export ROS_WORKSPACE=/path/to/your/catkin_ws
Bring up simulator:
roscore && roslaunch pioneer_shr pioneer_gazebo.launch
Mapping in gazebo:
roslaunch pioneer_shr pioneer_gazebo_mapping.launch
Autonomous navigation in gazebo:
roslaunch pioneer_shr auto_navigation_gazebo.launch
Visualize trajectory
roslaunch pioneer_shr trajectory_vis.launch
(you may want to visualize the trajectory after mannually localize the robot)
ssh into onboard labtop
Bring up pioneer from onboard labtop:
roscore && roslaunch pioneer_shr real_mapping.launch
Start teleop keyboard from onboard labtop:
roslaunch pioneer_shr keyboard_ctrl.launch
Visualize from remote PC:
roslaunch pioneer_shr remote_vis.launch
ssh into onboard labtop
Bring up pioneer from onboard labtop via ssh:
roscore && roslaunch pioneer_shr auto_navigation_real_world.launch
Start teleop keyboard from onboard labtop via ssh:
roslaunch pioneer_shr keyboard_ctrl.launch
Visualize from remote PC:
roslaunch pioneer_shr remote_vis.launch
Do all steps in auto-navigation
Bring up simple_navigation_goal ros node
roslaunch pioneer_shr sensor_trigger_move2goal_real.launch
(real world)
roslaunch pioneer_shr sensor_trigger_move2goal_gazebo.launch
Do Autonomous navigation in gazebo
start person sim
roslaunch person_sim init_standing_person.launch
keyboard control for the person
roslaunch person_sim move_person_standing.launch
run face detection
roslaunch pioneer_shr face_detection_gazebo.launch
Do Autonomous navigation in real world
run face detection
roslaunch pioneer_shr face_detection_real.launch
Do Autonomous navigation in real world
run camera on robot labtop
roslaunch pioneer_shr camera_real.launch
(not needed if have face_detection running first)
start face recognition on remote labtop
roslaunch pioneer_shr face_recognition_real.launch
Do face detection and face recogniton in gazebo
run approach person service
roslaunch pioneer_shr action_service_gazebo.launch
run executive
rosrun pioneer_shr executive
Do face detection and face recogniton in real world
run approach person service
roslaunch pioneer_shr action_service_real.launch
run executive
rosrun pioneer_shr executive
launch robot and run all service
roslaunch pioneer_shr shr_real.launch
launch face recognition on robot labtop
roslaunch pioneer_shr face_recognition_real.launch
run executive
rosrun pioneer_shr executive p2
launch robot and run all service
roslaunch pioneer_shr shr_real.launch
launch planner
roslaunch rosplan_shr shr.launchp
run executive
rosrun pioneer_shr executive pddl
cd to catkin_ws/src/rosplan_shr
rosrun rosplan_planning_system Contingent-FF -o ./common/domain_shr_conditional.pddl -f ./common/problem_shr_conditional.pddl