solidity_examples --> Hands on solidity exercises and examples.
capstone-project-1 --> Basic solidity dapp NFT project.
ERC-721 Token Name: StarNotary
ERC-721 Token Symbol: STN
Version of Truffle: Truffle v5.5.1 (core: 5.5.1)
Version of OpenZeppelin: 2.3
Token Address (Rinkeby Network): 0xC5595fe3548f0957216214E5C6d7A063af6D42d3
Solidity Version: "0.8.0"
NOTE: Due to security updates on web3js library and metamask, the source code (solidity and javascript code) from the stater code had to be upgraded and refactored.
So this proyect consist of a smart-contract called "StarNotary" which represents an NFT. From this contract we can create NFT Tokens with certain characteristics. In this case we can create a star with a "name" and an "id". Afterwards we can lookup the owner of a star by it's "id". All of this is done thorugh the UI.
Further more additional functionality has been added to the contract where you can manually create a star, put a star for sale, buy a star, exchnage stars, look up for start by ID plus all default ERC-721 token features.
Run "" (Creates necessary docker images)
Run "" (Executes docker-compose-dev.yml)
Run "" (Takes down all running or stopped containers)
Three containers will be deployed:
- truffle-drizzle: Used for compiling and deploying Smart Contracts to local, test and production chains.
- nodejs-server: Used for managing and debugging front-end. Mainly used for starting up the web app.
- ganache-cli: Used as a local blockchain for testing and developing purposes.
To interact with "truffle-drizzle" container use the following command to start a session: docker exec -it truffle-drizzle bash
To interact with "node-js-server" container use the following command to start a session: docker exec -it node-js-server bash
For more in formation on how to use truffle drizzle suite using docker-compose please visit:
- Start a session on the truffle-drizzle container: docker exec -it truffle-drizzle bash
- Once inside the container run the following:
- truffle develop
- compile
- migrate --reset
- test
- Your output should look like the following:
- Start a session on the truffle-drizzle container: docker exec -it truffle-drizzle bash
- Run command: npm run dev
- Now open your browser on localhost:3001 or