Isomorphic, React, ES6, Webpack based starter kit for quickly starting web app projects tailored for art404.
Based off a fork of Richard Krawll's react-starter
Variable | Description |
firebase_url | Optional Firebase server to listen to, will get added to the app prop at the top level container. |
$ npm install
Start development server:
$ npm run start:dev
Start with firebase:
$ npm run firebase_url="XXX" start:dev
Start production server:
$ npm start
$ git push heroku master
- Isomorphic server rendering for faster load times + seo benefits
- Pre-render data-fetching
- Mobile + Cookie detection as top-level props
- SCSS + bourbon framework
- Redux developer tools + Hot Reloading
- EZ Deploy to Heroku with
npm start
- firebase
- Babel
- ESLint
- Express
- Mocha
- React
- React Router
- React Transform HMR
- Redux
- Redux DevTools Extension
- Webpack
├── client # Source code for client-side application
│ ├── actions # Redux action creators
│ ├── components # Presentational/dumb components
│ ├── constants # Global constants (action types etc.)
│ ├── containers # Stateful/smart components
│ ├── reducers # Redux reducers
│ ├── routes # Routes used by React Router (shared with server)
│ ├── store # Redux store
│ └── index.js # Entry point for client-side application
├── server # Source code for Express server
│ ├── api # Mock API
│ ├── middleware # Server middleware
│ ├── views # Server views (Jade templates)
│ ├── index.js # Entry point for server (with babel-register etc.)
│ └── server.js # Express server
├── test # Test setup and helpers
├── .babelrc # Babel configuration
├── .eslintrc # ESLint configuration
└── webpack.config.babel.js # Webpack configuration