- Spring Core (IoC) for typescript и javascript.
- Defines Spring Context (IoC + events), Beans terms.
- Support hierarchical contexts with hierarchical event system.
- Support bean scopes (singleton, prototype, global).
- Support beans mappings using tokens (Symbol) and strings (i.e. "bean1").
- Support convinience beans testings using decorators and test context.
- Support json context based configuration files (like ClassPathXmlApplicationContext in java).
- Has many tests and examples in tests folders.
- Has production use in one bank for make complex engine based on PIXI/Konva.
All beans are lazy loaded (by acquiring of @Autowire or beanFactory.getBean()).
If you want to collaborate, write me at [email protected]. I like Java and I like Spring. If you know Spring, you know js-beans. It is also helps Java developers to write frontend code.
ICloseable, Exception
@PostConstruct, @PreDestroy, @Transactional, ITransaction
@Autowired, AbstractBeanFactory, FactoryBean, IBeanFactory
@Bean, @bean, @EventListener, AbstractApplicationContext
IApplicationContext, IApplicationContextAware, IResourceLoader
ApplicationContextEvent, ApplicationContextStartEvent,
ApplicationContextProvider, ApplicationEvent, ILifecycle
AbstractTransaction, AbstractTransactionManager
src/javax (@Resource)
src/org.springframework.context (@Throwable, @ThrowableAsync, IThrowable)
src/org.springframework.context (JsonUrlApplicationContext)
src/org.springframework.context (IApplicationContextLoader)
src/org.springframework.test (@AsyncTest, @Spy, @SpyOnGet)
"beansDefinition": [
"abstraction": "com.yourproject.logger",
"support": "com.yourproject.logger.support.consoleLogger"
"beans": [
{ "id": "com.yourproject.logger", "optional": false }
// Where:
// beansDefinition - beans names mapping.
// beans - beans to instantiate at context start.
// See JsonApplicationContext api reference of tests suite for more details.
- Dependencies: reflect-metadata (no other dependencies).
- TS compile options: experimentalDecorators, emitDecoratorMetadata.
npm i
npm run test
Here is an example below wich contains:
- 2 contexts: ApplicationContext & ApplicationTestContext
- @Configuration to replace existing bean
import {
} from "spring-framework";
// Tokens
export const ApplicationContextToken = Symbol();
export const AbstractValueToken = Symbol();
export const ConcreteValueToken = Symbol();
export const Bean1Token = Symbol();
export const Bean2Token = Symbol();
export const Bean3Token = Symbol();
export const Bean1TestToken = Symbol();
export const ConfigurationToken = Symbol();
export const CustomConsolePrefixToken = Symbol();
// events.ts
export class CustomApplicationEvent extends ApplicationEvent {}
// bean1.ts
// singleton - every call to BeanFactory.getBean()
// will provide the same bean per context
export class Bean1 {
@Autowired(Bean2Token) bean2: Bean2;
protected construct() {}
protected destruct() {}
// Api
public getSomething() {
return 0;
// bean2.ts
// prototype - every call to BeanFactory.getBean()
// will provide new bean per context
@Bean(Bean2Token, { scope: "prototype" })
export class Bean2 implements IApplicationContextAware {
@Autowired(ApplicationContextToken) context: IApplicationContext;
@Autowired(AbstractValueToken) value: number;
@Autowired(CustomConsolePrefixToken) prefix: string;
@Disposable disposer: TDisposer = () =>
console.log(`${this.prefix} some resource has disposed`);
public construct() {
/* all dependencies ready */
this.context.publishEvent(new CustomApplicationEvent());
// All beans in current context and its parent contexts
// will able to handle this message using @EventListener.
// See example below.
public destruct() {
/* close other non disposable resources */
// Api
public throwError() {
throw new Error();
// current context will broadcast
// ApplicationContextBeanRuntimeExceptionEvent
// requires ApplicationContextAware to be implemented
// Reccomendations:
// create UserNotifier service to show all error to user
// from @Throwable functions
public async throwAsyncError() {
throw new Error();
// the same as throwError but in async code
// Event listeners
@EventListener(ApplicationContextStartEvent as any)
protected handleApplicationContextStartEvent(
e: ApplicationContextStartEvent
) {
// Application context started!
// All beans acquired in context start() function are instantiated
// with their dependencies"
@EventListener(ApplicationContextStopEvent as any)
protected handleApplicationContextStopEvent(e: ApplicationContextStopEvent) {
// Application context stoped!
// All beans destroyes and all disposables disposed
@EventListener(ApplicationContextBeanRuntimeExceptionEvent as any)
protected handleApplicationContextBeanRuntimeExceptionEvent(
e: ApplicationContextBeanRuntimeExceptionEvent
) {
// Somewhere in this context or in child context bean throwed an error!
// Show notification to user
// const error: Error = e.exception; // raised error
// const sourceContext = e.source; // context where error was raised
@EventListener(CustomApplicationEvent as any)
protected handleCustomApplicationEvent(e: CustomApplicationEvent) {
// your custom event handler
// applicationContext.ts
export class ApplicationContext extends AbstractApplicationContext {
public configure() {
// map tokens before context bootstrapping
new Map<any, TWishedBeanOrFactory>([
[AbstractValueToken, ConcreteValueToken],
[ConcreteValueToken, FactoryBean.of(() => 0)]
public start() {
// bootstrap context
// instantiate bean1 with it's dependencies
// applicationTestContext.ts
export class ApplicationTestContext extends AbstractApplicationContext {
public configure() {
new Map<any, TWishedBeanOrFactory>([
// map tokens before test context bootstrapping
// replace original bean with test bean
[Bean1Token, Bean1TestToken],
// assign bean to token using factory wich calls every time
// when BeanFactory.getBean() called
[ConcreteValueToken, FactoryBean.of(() => 0)],
[CustomConsolePrefixToken, FactoryBean.of(() => `[CONSOLE PREFIX]:`)],
// assign real bean to abstract token
[AbstractValueToken, ConcreteValueToken]
public start() {
// bootstrap context
// instantiate value using FactoryBean
this.getBean(CustomConsolePrefixToken); // `[CONSOLE PREFIX]:`
// instantiate configuration (no @beans created)
// instantiate value using @bean from @Configuration
// cause of configuration method consolePrefix() replaced the token
this.getBean(CustomConsolePrefixToken); // `[CUSTOM CONSOLE PREFIX]:`
// instantiate bean with it's dependencies
// Bean1Test.ts
export class Bean1Test extends Bean1 {
@Spy public getSomething() {
/* usual jest spy */
return super.getSomething();
public test1() {
expect(this.getSomething).toBeCalled(); // check spy
public async test2() {
/* await operations */
// Bean3.ts
// singleton bean for all contexts
@Bean(Bean3Token, { scope: "global" })
export class Bean3Test extends Bean1 {}
// Configuration.ts
export class ApplicationConfiguration {
public consolePrefix() {
// ChildContext.ts
// /*
// * context inheritance
// * now BeanFactory.getBean() works as following:
// * 1. search bean in current context, if found return it
// * 2. search bean in parent context, if found return it,
// * if not in parent's parent and so on
// * 3. if in parent tree bean not found instantiate it in child context
// * (if in child context abstract token is mapped to real)
// * 4. if no suitable bean found and it is not required
// * (e.g. getBean() called with false as 2 argument)
// * then just return null, otherwise throw error
// * usage:
// */
// const parentContext = new ApplicationContext();
// parentContext.configure();
// parentContext.start();
// const childContext = new ChildContext()
// childContext.configure();
// childContext.setParent(parentContext); // !!!
// childContext.start();
export class ChildContext extends AbstractApplicationContext {
/* ... */
/* here the same logic as in any other context */
// !!! main.ts
// instantiate your application here
// const applicationContext = new ApplicationContext();
// ApplicationContextProvider.get().setApplicationContext(applicationContext);
// !!! Not beans files.ts
// maybe you want to use IoC somewhere else
// const isRequired: boolean = false;
// const extraMapOnlyForSpecificCall = new Map<any, TWishedBeanOrFactory>([
// /* remap existings tokens only for specific call */
// [AbstractValueToken, FactoryBean.of(() => 1)]
// ])
// const bean1 = ApplicationContextProvider.get().getApplicationContext()
// .getBean(Bean1Token, isRequired, extraMapOnlyForOneCall)
// !!! React files.ts
// const applicationContext = ApplicationContextProvider.get()
// .getApplicationContext();
// class ReactComponent extends React.Component {
// constructor() {
// const bean1 = applicationContext.getBean(Bean1Token);
// }
// @Throwable(applicationContext)
// handleClick() {
// throw new Error("method not implemented");
// // applicationContext will broadcast
// // ApplicationContextBeanRuntimeExceptionEvent
// }
// render() {
// return (<Button onClick={this.handleClick} />);
// }
// }
see src/tests to run receipt packages:
- src/tests/packagePlugins.ts - demonstrates how to use chaining of optional plugable beans in case you want to modify your bean beahaviour using Proxy.
- src/tests/package1.ts & src/package2.ts - demonstrates how to use two contexts and different scopes (prototype and so one).
- src/tests/packageDemo.ts - contains example from this readme.
- src/tests/packagePoc.ts - demonstrates how to use hierachical contexts.
- src/tests/packageFactoryBean.ts - demonstrates how to use beans resolvers.
- src/tests/packageTransactions.ts - demonstrates how to use transactions.
- src/tests/packageContext.ts - demonstrates basic IoC functionality.
- src/tests/packageContextLoader.ts - example how to load context from url.
- Currently injection available using @Autowire (setter) and @bean (method), there is no constructor injections.
- Currently there is no type cheking in runtime.