By Tom Botterill ([email protected]) and Hilary McMillan ([email protected])
First download, unzip, and organize. CAMELS US dataset from We used CAMELS 1.2 and CAMELS CATCHMENT ATTRIBUTES 2.0.
Download "CAMELS time series meteorology, observed flow, meta data (.zip)" Download "CAMELS CATCHMENT ATTRIBUTES"
mv camels_attributes_v2.0 basin_dataset_public_v1p2
Pass camels_path=/your/path/to/camels_attributes_v2.0
Top-level functions are in
from Hyd_ML import *
See models directory for some pre-trained models. A saved model consists of 4 files: encoder.ckpt, encoder_properties.pkl, decoder.ckpt, decoder_properties.pkl.
To load a pre-trained model and generate the figures in the paper (plus many more comparing 2 models with different random initialization):
compare_models(r"C:\\hydro\\basin_dataset_public_v1p2", r"C:\\hydro\\HydroML\\data",
[(r"C:\\hydro\\HydroML\\models\\E16-S8-1", "Learn Signatures"),
(r"C:\\hydro\\HydroML\\models\\E16-S8-2", "Learn Signatures2")])
To train from random initialization, loading 1/10th of CAMELS catchments:
dataloader_properties = DataloaderProperties()
train_test_everything(1, r"C:\\hydro\\basin_dataset_public_v1p2", None, data_root=r"C:\\hydro\\HydroML\\data", dataloader_properties=dataloader_properties)
Use train_test_everything's encoder_properties, decoder_properties and training_properties to customize any other parameter.
Also see: do_ablation_test(): Load data from one catchment at a time and fit model (to test how good the model could perform, and whether the decoder structure is suitable.
can_encoder_learn_sigs(): Test whether/how well this encoder structure can learn existing CAMELS signatures.
analyse_one_site(): Run a single catchment with perturbed encodings, to test for their effect.