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Lerna monorepository Vue3/express starter kit (MEVN stack)

About: it's lerna monorepo vue3 / express starter kit for you'r next project :)

Language: TypeScript

Frontend app: Vue 3

State management: Pinia

Backend app: Express

Tests: Jest (Unit / E2E)

Linter: ESLint

Formatter: Prettier

Lerna logo

Lerna scripts

start apps: npm run start

unit test apps: npm run test:unit

e2e test apps: npm run test:e2e

setup a new version of lerna: npm run new-version

Makefile commands

Pull images

pull server-lerna-image: make pull-server-lerna-image

pull client-lerna-image: make pull-client-lerna-image

pull mongo-lerna-image: make pull-mongon-lerna-image


build client-lerna-image: make build-client-lerna-image

build server-lerna-image: make build-server-lerna-image

build mongo-lerna-image: make build-mongo-lerna-image

Up containers

up vue-3-lerna-container: make run-vue-3-lerna-container

up express-lerna-container: make run-express-lerna-container

up mongo-lerna-container: make run-mongo-lerna-container

Execute containers

exec vue-3-lerna-container: make exec-vue-3-lerna-container

exec express-lerna-container: make exec-express-lerna-container

exec mongo-lerna-container: make exec-mongo-lerna-container

Down containers

down vue-3-lerna-container: make down-vue-3-lerna-container

down express-lerna-container: make down-express-lerna-container

down mongo-lerna-container: make down-mongo-lerna-container

docker-compose up && .....

chain to life: make chain-to-life

chain to die: make chain-to-die