In this project, the concepts of Principal Component Analysis, Naive Bayes and Classification with Gradient Descent will be put to application. You will be given a small dataset containing some face images of some people. Firstly, you will perform principal component analysis of all images combined. That will be used to get a small number of principal eigen vectors to convert each image to a reduced vector. Then you will learn a classifier using naive bayes method a linear classifier using gradient descent. You will submit your codes and a report pdf in your final submission. You will use python2 for this mini-project.
- You are provided a subset of original dataset with labels.
image is bth image of ath class. - You will use just images for Part-1 and prepare your report.
- For Part-2 and Part-3, you can use images and labels while developing code. This is just practice dataset so don't assume anything from it. We will test your code for Part-2 and Part-3 on different splits of original dataset. Also images names may not be same like this given dataset.
Perform PCA over all images. Get the co-efficients of all components for all images.
We can reconstruct the image back using a small number of components. Plot a graph showing the total mean square error over all train images vs the number of principal components used to reconstruct. Include this plot in your submission. (Use a reasonable range for number of components)
$N$ , the number of principal components required such that the reconstructed images will have mean squared error less than 20% over all train images. Display those$N$ principal components as reconstructed images. You will see some base structures of the faces. Include these images in your report. -
Use scatterplots to examine how the images are clustered in the 1D, 2D and 3D space using the required number of principal components.
This part will be evaluated qualitatively from your report. Also you will use some code of this method to transform images to reduced representation for Part-2 and Part-3 of this mini-project.
- Given train images-labels and test images.
- Do PCA over train images and convert all images to a vector
representation of length
$N$ as per PCA. Use$N$ = 32. - Train a Naive bayes classifier using train images and then predict the labels of test images.
- Code will run as :
python <path-to-train-file> <path-to-test-file>
- Structure of train and test file is explained later.
- Given train images-labels and test images.
- Do PCA over train images and convert all images to a vector
representation of length
$N$ as per PCA. Use$N$ = 32. - Train linear classifiers with gradient descent. You may want to use softmax to calculate loss.
- For each test image, predict its label.
- Code will run as
python <path-to-train-file> <path-to-test-file>
- Structure of train and test file is explained below. You can generate your own train and test file from given dataset.
<absolute-path-to-train-1> <label-1>
<absolute-path-to-train-2> <label-2>
<absolute-path-to-train-N> <label-N>
- Submit only 3 files :
- Put these files in a folder, name it as your roll number, zip it, upload it.
will have directory<roll_number>
directory containing 3 files. - You can use only
, no other libraries. - Don't include any other file in your submission. Don't import from any other file.
- Don't access any other file from your code. Don't save anything by your code.
- We'll check for plagiarism. So don't copy from someone else or online.
- Not following above instructions or not following correct output format will earn you zero in assignment entirely.
- Any malpractice will lead to zero in all assignments/projects or F grade in course.