🚧 This project is still under development
The Arena Evaluation package provides tools to record, evaluate, and plot navigational metrics to evaluate ROS navigation planners. It is best suited for usage with our arena-rosnav repository but can also be integrated into any other ROS-based project.
It consists of 3 parts:
Record the data by setting record_data:=true
when starting up the ros structure. Doing so will create a new folder in /data
and fill it with multiple .csv
files, each containing one topic.
To transform the dataset for later plotting and calculate the metrics from the recorded data run python get_metrics.py --dir <DIR>
, whereas dir
is the directory which is created in the recording phase. The metrics which are created are shown in the following table:
Name | Datatype | Description |
curvature | Float[] | The curvature of the planner for each timestep calculated with the menger curvature |
normalized curvature | Float[] | The curvature multiplied by the length of the path for this specific part. |
roughness | Float[] | Describes how sudden and abrupt the planner changes directions. |
path length | Float | The complete length of the part |
path length values | Float[] | The length of each path between two continuous timestamps |
acceleration | Float[] | The acceleration of the robot. Calculated as the gradient between two velocities. |
jerk | Float[] | Describes the change in acceleration. |
velocity | Float[][] | The real velocity of the robot. |
cmd_vel | Float[][] | The robots desired velocity denoted by the planner |
collision amount | Int | Absolute amount of collisions in an episode. |
collisions | Int[] | Index of the positions in which a collision occured. |
path | Float[][] | Array of positions in which the robot was located for specific timestamps. |
angle over length | Float | The complete angle over the complete length of the path the robot took. |
time diff | Int | The complete time of the episode. |
result | TIMEOUT | GOAL_REACHED | COLLISION | The reason the episode has ended. |
In order to make plotting easy, the plots are created from a declaration file, in which the exaclt data you want to plot is described. The declaration file should have the following schema, which is also shown in plot_declarations/sample_schema.yaml
# Wether you want to show or save the plots
show_plots: boolean
# Name of the directory in ./path
save_location: string
# List of all datasets that should be compared
# Name of the directory in ./data
datasets: string[]
# Wether you want to plot the result counts
# Should plot?
plot: boolean
# Title of the plot
title: string
# Name of the file the plot should be saved ot
save_name: string
# Denotes which data should be shown seperately for a single planner
differentiate: key in Dataset
# Additional Plot arguments
plot_args: {} # Optional
# Plot values that are collected in every time step.
# Thus, being arrays for each episode.
# Possible values are:
# - curvature
# - normalized_curvature
# - roughness
# - path_length_values
# - acceleration
# - jerk
# - velocity
# It is possible to plot
# - A line plot to show the course in a single episode
# You can list multiple value to create multiple plots
# Name of the coloumn you want to plot
- data_key: string # Required
# Number of values that should be skipped to reduce datapoints
step_size: int # Optional -> Defaults to 5
# Coloumn for differentiation
# Denotes which data should be shown seperately for a single planner
differentiate: key in Dataset
# Index of the episode -> If none all episodes are plotted
episode: int # Optional -> Defaults to none
title: string
save_name: string
plot_args: {} # Optional
# - A Distributional plot for a single episode
# You can list multiple value to create multiple plots
- data_key: string
episode: int
# Denotes which data should be shown seperately for a single planner
differentiate: key in Dataset
plot_key: "swarm" | "violin" | "box" | "boxen" | "strip" # Optional -> Defaults to "swarm"
title: string
save_name: string
plot_args: {} # Optional
# - A line plot showing aggregated values for all episodes.
# Like a line plot for the max value of each episode
- data_key: string
# Denotes which data should be shown seperately for a single planner
differentiate: key in Dataset
# Function that should be used for aggregation. We offer: max, min, mean
aggregate: "max" | "min" | "mean" | "sum"
# Name of the dist plot you want to use. Can be strip, swarm, box, boxen, violin
plot_key: "swarm" | "violin" | "box" | "boxen" | "strip" # Optional -> Defaults to "swarm"
title: string
save_name: string
plot_args: {} # Optional
# - A distributional plot for aggregated values for all episodes.
- data_key: string
# Denotes which data should be shown seperately for a single planner
differentiate: key in Dataset
# Function that should be used for aggregation. We offer: max, min, mean
aggregate: "max" | "min" | "mean" | "sum"
title: string
save_name: string
plot_args: {} # Optional
## Plot values that are collected for each episode.
# Single values for each episode
# Possible values are:
# - time_diff
# - angle_over_length
# - path_length
# It is possible to plot
# - A categorical plot over all episodes to show the values in a line or bar plot
- data_key: string
# Denotes which data should be shown seperately for a single planner
differentiate: key in Dataset
plot_key: "line" | "bar"
title: string
save_name: string
plot_args: {} # Optional
# - Plot a distribution over all episodes
- data_key: string
# Denotes which data should be shown seperately for a single planner
differentiate: key in Dataset
plot_key: "swarm" | "violin" | "box" | "boxen" | "strip" # Optional -> Defaults to "swarm"
title: string
save_name: string
plot_args: {} # Optional
## Plot the path the robots took
# Plot all paths of all episodes for each robot
# list of desired results that should be plotted
desired_results: ("TIMEOUT" | "GOAL_REACHED" | "COLLISION")[]
# Wether or not to add the obstacles from the scenario file to the plot
should_add_obstacles: boolean # Optional -> Defaults to False
# Wether or not to mark where collisions happened
should_add_collisions: boolean # Optional -> Defaults to False
title: string
save_name: string
# Plot the best path of each robot
# Only select the paths that reached the goal and take the path that took the least amount of time
# Wether or not to add the obstacles from the scenario file to the plot
should_add_obstacles: boolean # Optional -> Defaults to False
# Wether or not to mark where collisions happened
should_add_collisions: boolean # Optional -> Defaults to False
title: string
save_name: string