conda create -n iebins python=3.8
conda activate iebins
conda install pytorch=1.10.0 torchvision cudatoolkit=11.1
pip install matplotlib, tqdm, tensorboardX, timm, mmcv, open3d
Training the whu_omvs model:
python iebins/ uav_configs/arguments_train_whu.txt
Training the whu_mvs model:
python iebins/ uav_configs/arguments_train_whu.txt
Evaluate the whu_omvs model:
python iebins/ uav_configs/arguments_eval_whu.txt
Evaluate the whu_mvs model on the SUN RGB-D dataset:
python iebins/ uav_configs/arguments_eval_whu_mvs.txt
To generate whu_omvs picture:
python iebins_kittiofficial/ uav_configs/arguments_test_whu.txt