bug to fix :
- automatically switch back to independant behaviour in the system tray menu when the ball is catched.
NekoV2 is desktop kitty application. Your cat will chase his ball of yarn around the screen, and he will go to sleep in his basket as soon as he becomes tired.
jpackage --input . --name NekoV2 --main-jar .\NekoV2.jar --icon .\neko.ico --license-file .\LICENSE.txt --app-version 2.0 --description "Neko application for the desktop" --win-dir-chooser --win-shortcut --win-menu --type msi
jpackage --input . --name NekoV2 --main-jar NekoV2.jar --icon icon.png --linux-shortcut --license-file LICENSE --app-version 2.0 --description "Neko application for the desktop" --type deb
Download installer for your OS in the release page : https://github.com/Aqueuse/NekoV2/releases/tag/2.0
If you have problems, give me a feedback in the issue page : https://github.com/Aqueuse/NekoV2/issues
If you love Neko, buy him a coffee here : https://ko-fi.com/aqueuse ☕❤
jpackage --input . --name NekoV2 --main-jar NekoV2.jar --icon icon.png --linux-shortcut --license-file LICENSE --app-version 2.0 --description "Neko application for the desktop" --type deb
Warmadon for the help with avalonia advanced features JeCodeLeSoir for the help with WPF for the SystemTrayIcon