I made this repository to help the new members on this field with my own personal notes! :D
(Maybe i forgot to add some of my notes but i'll do daily updates!)
Also you can find my own writeups/tutorials on medium : n4ckhcker-medium
Table Of Contents :
- Tools
- Cheat Sheets
- Hacking Practise
- Linux Privilege Escalation
- Windows Privilege Escalation
- Active Directory Pentesting
- Programming
- Binary Hacking Tutorials
- Free Paid Courses
- Favorite YouTube Channels
Tools | Type |
nmap | Enumeration |
metasploit | Exploitation |
searchsploit | Exploitation |
dirbuster | Web Enumeration |
gobuster | Web Enumeration |
dirb | Web Enumeration |
nikto | Web Enumeration |
wpscan | Web Enumeration |
joomscan | Web Enumeration |
droopescan | Web Enumeration |
sqlmap | Web Exploitation |
burp suite | Web Enumeration/Exploitation |
wfuzz | Web Enumeration/Exploitation |
curl | Web Enumeration/Exploitation |
gdb | Reverse Engineering / ExploitDev |
gdb-peda | Reverse Engineering / ExploitDev |
gdb-gef | Reverse Engineering / ExploitDev |
radare2 | Reverse Engineering / ExploitDev |
IDA-Pro | Reverse Engineering / ExploitDev |
OllyDbg | Reverse Engineering / ExploitDev |
pwntools | Exploitdev Library |
mimikatz | Post Exploitation |
impacket | Windows Security |
Veil | AV Bypass |
cewl | Enumeration |
hashcat | Password Cracking |
johntheripper | Password Cracking |
hydra | Password Cracking |
SET | Social Engineering |
Cheat Sheets | Type |
nmap - cheat sheet | Enumeration |
metasploit - cheat sheet | Exploitation |
meterpreter - cheat sheet | Exploitation |
msfvenom - cheat sheet | Exploitation |
netcat - cheat sheet | Enumeration/Exploitation |
gdb - cheat sheet | Reverse Engineering / ExploitDev |
radare2 - cheat sheet | Reverse Engineering / ExploitDev |
sqlmap - cheat sheet | Web Explotation |
curl - cheat sheet | Web Enumeration/Exploitation |
TTY Shell - cheat sheet | Exploitation |
Reverse Shell - cheat sheet | Exploitation |
Site | Description |
Vulnhub | Vulnerable Machines (Download) |
HackTheBox | Amazing Penetration Testing Lab (ovpn) |
pwnable.kr | Binary Hacking Challenges + |
pwnable.tw | Binary Hacking Challenges Advance ++ |
webhacking.kr | Web Hacking Challenges |
Reversing.kr | Reversing Challenges |
Over The Wire | Different types of wargames (ssh) |
root-me.org | Ton of challenges (web/reverse/system++) |
Ringzer0Team | Ton of challenges (web/reverse/system++) |
Exploit Exercises | Binary hacking/System Challenges |
ROP Emporium | ROP Attack Challenges |
PentesterLab | Web Hacking Challenges |
Site | Description |
g0tmi1k | Linux Priv Esc Cheat Sheet |
Rebootuser | Linux Priv Esc Cheat Sheet |
0x00sec | Linux Priv Esc Cheat Sheet |
payatu | Linux Priv Esc Cheat Sheet |
touhidshaikh | Abusing SUDO |
n4ckhcker-hadi | rbash bypass |
speakerdeck | rbash bypass |
sans | rbash bypass |
netsec | Linux Priv Esc Scripts |
Site | Description |
exumbraops | Windows Privilege Escalation Techniques |
pentestblog | Windows Privilege Escalation Techniques |
Rahmat Nurfauzi | Windows Privilege Escalation Techniques |
FuzzySecurity | Windows Privilege Escalation Techniques |
HackingArticles | Windows Privilege Escalation Techniques |
bhafsec | Windows Privilege Escalation Techniques |
Site | Description |
ADSecurity | Common Active Directory Security Issues |
ADSecurity | Methods for Gaining Domain Admin Rights |
ADSecurity | Dump Active Directory Database Credentials |
ADSecurity | Active Directory Persistence Tricks |
ADSecurity | Cracking Kerberos TGS Tickets |
ADSecurity | Mimikatz Tutorial |
ADSecurity | More Here |
Language | Description |
Python | Awesome Python Playlist |
Bash Scripting | Bash Scripting Tutorials |
Assembly For Hackers | Assembly For Hackers |
Assembly | Assembly "Cheat Sheet" |
Language | Description |
dhavalkapil | Buffer Overflow Tutorial |
exploit-db | Buffer Overflow Tutorial |
exploit-db | Return to libc |
exploit-db | ROP |
Site | Description |
Pentester Academy | Pentester Academy Courses |
Sans | Sans Courses |
More Here | More Courses |
Channel | Description |
LiveOverflow | Binary Hacking/Web ++ |
ippsec | HackTheBox Writeups ++ |