Aarthi and Anushri's repository for CS 437. This repository consists of various folders for the labs and final project in this course.
The “Final Project” folder in particular contains a “demo” folder which contains our bin data having our point cloud data from our demonstrated demo. The “Final_project_people_counting.ipynb” file is our main script which can be run as described below to process this data. The other files are files required to collect this data (“gui_common.py” and “lab5.cfg”) and parse this data.
Steps to execute the code:
- Clone the repository.
- cd into the cloned repository.
- cd into the folder “Final Project”.
- Open “Final_project_people_counting.ipynb” and run the cell after ensuring the required packages are installed (numpy, matplotlib, scikit-learn).
- The input data is a folder consisting of bin files (the folder titled "demo") generated by the radar. The output data consists of the number of people entering the room, leaving the room, and the total number of people inside the room for each bin file, and their cumulative values once all files in the folder have been processed. The output data is printed as output of the cell.
- To view the plots for the trajectories of each centroid (person) and its x-y coordinate path, uncomment the code under "# plot trajectory" in “Final_project_people_counting.ipynb”.
Additional data can be collected by running the “gui_common.py” file with the “lab5.cfg” configuration file with the connected radar. The file path for the folder which contains the data to be processed is stored in the variable "binFilePath" in “Final_project_people_counting.ipynb”. This variable's value can then be changed accordingly to process the collected data.