SATAIS is a generative AI created by @antyle_yt
All the code is open-source and customisable
Don't use this AI illegally(hacking or other)
- French and English support , English Primary .
- Runnable on Windows Linux and MacOS with Python and maybe Java
- Utilisable for Discord , Minecraft and more
- Download the code (at Release or Source-code) ans dezip it .
- If you are on PyCharm , open the project and click on "" ;
- If you are simply on CMD :
cd C:\exact\location\of\the\files\
- Go to settings --> Project: "name" --> Python interpreter --> the "+" button --> Search Numpy and install it and also tensorflow.
- run as administrator
- Tap :
pip install numpy
- Tap :
pip install tensorflow
(verify if a .h5 / .model / .keras exist)
- Go to the folder "Just-launch-me(recommanded)"
- (if you want change the model go to "modellist" , copy the file and name and return into "just-launch-me" paste the file here and go to "" and change the name from "default-sataismodelv1.h5" to the name of your selected model ).
- launch
- tap
cd C:\exact\location\of\the\files\TrainerandApp\Just-launch-me(recommanded)
- tap
- enjoy the AI !
- Download the code (at Release or Source-code) ans dezip it .
- If you are on PyCharm , open the project and click on "" ;
- If you are simply on CMD :
cd C:\exact\location\of\the\file
- Go to settings --> Project: "name" --> Python interpreter --> the "+" button --> Search Numpy and install it and also tensorflow.
- run as administrator
- Tap :
pip install numpy
- Tap :
pip install tensorflow
- (PS : The instruction are also in the folder)
- Go to the folder "trainingmethod(long)"
- (You can change the corpus.)
- launch
- tap
cd C:\exact\location\of\the\files\TrainerandApp\Trainingmethod(long)
- tap
- launch
- enjoy the AI !