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TraP_trans_tools Script Archive

This folder contains the files required to analyse the transient parameters for a large number of sources. The tools developed are not TraP specific, however there are executable scripts demonstrating how to use these scripts with outputs from TraP databases ( and The techniques implemented in these scripts and how to interpret the outputs are described in Rowlinson et al. (In Prep).


This work utilises a number of {sc Python} libraries, including the Matplotlib plotting libraries Hunter (2007, Computing in Science & Engineering, 9, 90-95) and astroML (Vanderplas et al., 2012, in Conference on Intelligent Data Understanding, 47–54). Finally, the authors acknowledge training in machine learning strategies received from the Stanford Machine Learning course available on Coursera (


Tools to extract required data from a TraP database (TraP release 1). Outputs the transient parameters and individual extracted sources.
Tools to extract required to convert data extracted by dump_trans_data_v1 into the format required for the other scripts.
General tools to help with processing data.
Tools to generate the scatter/histogram and diagnostic plots to visualise datasets.
An example executable script that fully processes data from TraP (from reading database to creating plots).
Tools to train and use an anomaly detection algorithm (machine learning).
Tools to train and use an logistic regression algorithm (machine learning).
An example executable script that trains and applies machine learning algorithms using the outputs from
A folder containing example training data for


  • tkp (The LOFAR Transients Pipeline, TraP)
  • numpy
  • scikit-learn
  • astroML
  • os
  • pylab
  • csv
  • scipy
  • math
  • matplotlib
  • random

Requirements: tkp (TraP installed and initiated), csv

  • dump_trans

    Inputs: database name, dataset id, engine (monetdb or postgres), host, port, username, password

    Info: queries the database to extract the transient and extracted source tables. Files saved in working directory as "ds_${dataset id}_transients.csv" and "ds_${dataset id}_sources.csv"

  • dump_list_of_dicts_to_csv

    Inputs: data, output filename

    Info: writes the data out to a file in the csv format.

Requirements: dump_trans_data_v1, generic_tools, os, numpy

  • get_data

    Inputs: database, dataset_id, release, host, port, user, password

    Info: Calls to obtain the data and put it into a CSV file

  • read_src_lc

    Inputs: sources data, lightcurves

    Info: sorts the lightcurves for the unique sources in the extracted sources data. lightcurves is a true/false option to output the lightcurves

    Outputs: unique frequencies, source lightcurves

  • collate_trans_data

    Inputs: unique source lightcurves, frequencies, transient sources

    Info: sorts the data into the required information for later analysis. Each unique source has its transient parameters, maximum flux, ratio between maximum flux and average flux and observing frequency.

    Outputs: transient data for each source

  • format_data

    Inputs: database, dataset_id, release, host, port, username, password, lightcurves

    Info: uses dump_trans_data to extract data, extracts the transient data for each unique source and saves the output to "ds_${dataset id}_trans_data.csv" for use in later analysis.

Requirements: numpy, scipy

  • extract_data

    Inputs: filename

    Info: reads the data in a given file into an array.

    Outputs: array of data

  • get_frequencies

    Inputs: transient data

    Info: finds all the unique values in the "frequency" column. This column typically contains observing frequencies, but is also used to identify different types of transients in the machine learning code.

    Outputs: the unique frequencies

  • get_sigcut

    Inputs: data, sigma

    Info: fits the 1D data with a Gaussian distribution and finds the threshold associated with a given sigma.

    Outputs: sigma threshold, Gaussian fit parameters, range fitted over

  • precision_and_recall

    Inputs: Number of true positive, false positive and false negative identifications

    Info: This calculates the precision (probability that a source is correctly identified) and recall (probability that all sources have been identified) for given results. Required for assessing quality of machine learning results.

    Outputs: precision, recall

  • label_data

    Inputs: data, label1, label2

    Info: Inserts label1 into the frequency column, typically a string which is the type of transient. Appends a new column with either 1 or 0 to represent transient and stable.

    Outputs: labelled data

Requirements: numpy, scipy, matplotlib, math, pylab, astroML

  • make_colours

    Inputs: unique frequencies

    Info: assigns a colour from a colourmap (jet) to each unique frequency for plotting.

    Outputs: colours

  • create_scatter_hist

    Inputs: data for plotting, sigma thresholds for x-axis and y-axis, parameters from Gaussian fit for x and y axes, range used for fitting Gaussian distributions, dataset id, unique frequencies

    Info: creates a plot showing the two transient parameters (typically Eta_nu and V_nu) with histograms and fitted Gaussian distributions. If thresholds are not equal to 0, it also plots dashed lines to represent the thresholds used on the transient parameters. Plot saved as "ds${dataset id}_scatter_hist.png". See example

    Outputs: a list of transient id numbers

  • create_diagnostic

    Inputs: data for plotting, thresholds for x-axis and y-axis, unique frequencies, dataset id

    Info: creates a scatter plot showing four transient parameters (typically Eta_nu, V_nu, max flux and ratio between max flux and average flux). If thresholds are not equal to 0, it also plots dashed lines to represent the thresholds used on the transient parameters. Plot saved as "ds${dataset id}_diagnostic_plots.png". See example

Requirements: format_TraP_data, plotting_tools, generic_tools, numpy, sys

An example executable script for processing TraP data. Usage:

python <database> <username> <password> <dataset_id> <release> <host> <port> <sigma1> <sigma2> <lightcurves>

<database>: name of TraP database containing data

<username>: your database username

<password>: your database password

<dataset_id>: the dataset id that is to be processed

<release>: TraP release and engine, options p and m (postgres and monetdb respectively)

<host>: The machine hosting the database

<port>: The port number for the machine hosting the database

<sigma1>: sigma threshold for use in determining threshold on Eta_nu

<sigma2>: sigma threshold for use in determining threshold on V_nu

<lightcurves>: "True/False" option to output the lightcurves for each unique source

This script will extract data from the database, identify unique sources and obtain their lightcurves, sort the transient parameters and create the various diagnostic plots.

Requirements: generic_tools, numpy, multiprocessing, scipy, operator, matplotlib, pylab

  • trial_data

    Inputs: data, sigma1, sigma2

    Info: tries out a given pair of thresholds on the labelled data. It calculates the true positives, false positives, true negatives and false negatives. These are then used to calculate the precision and recall.

    Outputs: sigma1, sigma2, precision, recall

  • multiple_trials

    Inputs: data

    Info: Runs trial_data using different sigma values. sigma1 and sigma2 both range from 0 to 4 sigma with 500 bins. This is using a multiprocessing pool with 4 processes. The data are appended to a file, "sigma_data.txt".

  • tests

    Inputs: list containing x sigma data,y sigma data, precisions, recalls, training data, transient x data, transient y data, stable x data, stable y data, required precision, required recall

    Info: Using the gridded precision and recall values for different combinations of sigma, find the best match to the input required precision and recall. Then use observed training data to measure the obtained precision and recall values. These should be roughly equal.

    Outputs: list containing: required precision, required recall, obtained precision, obtained recall

  • check_method_works

    Inputs: list containing x sigma data,y sigma data, precisions, recalls, training data, above threshold sigma

    Info: Runs the test function multiple times for a wide range of input precisions and recalls. Plots a figure to show the performance.

  • find_best_sigmas

    Inputs: required precision, required recall, sigma data

    Info: Creates a 2000x2000 grid using the data in "sigma_data.txt" with a cubic interpolation between the trialed data points. The parameter space that gives the required precision and recall is identified, then use an F-score to identify the optimal balance of precision and recall in this parameter space. A plot illustrating the precision and recall parameter space is output and here is an example

    Outputs: best sigma threshold for Eta_nu, best sigma threshold for V_nu

Requirements: generic_tools, numpy, scipy, random, matplotlib, pylab

  • shuffle_datasets

    Inputs: data

    Info: Ensures that your data is randomised so that the training, validation and testing datasets do not contain too many of one kind of source.

    Outputs: shuffled data

  • create_datasets

    Inputs: data, number of training datapoints, number of validation datapoints

    Info: splits the data array into 3, with the required number of datapoints. The number of testing datapoints constitutes the remaining data.

    Outputs: training, validation and testing datasets

  • create_X_y_arrays

    Inputs: data

    Info: Splits the data into the parameters and labels (as required for the machine learning algorithm).

    Outputs: parameters and labels

  • sigmoid

    Inputs: value

    Info: calculates the sigmoid of a given value (1/(1+e^(-z)))

    Outputs: sigmoid(value)

  • reg_cost_func

    Inputs: theta, X, y, lda

    Info: Calculates the regularised cost function for a given model (theta) and dataset. The lda (lambda) parameter regularises it, i.e. controls the weighting given to multiple parameters.

    Outputs: cost of the model

  • quadratic_features

    Inputs: data

    Info: can double the number of parameters in the model by squaring them. i.e. [x1, x2] becomes [x1, x2, x1^2, x2^2].

    Outputs: quadratic data

  • learning_curve

    Inputs: Xtrain, ytrain, Xvalid, yvalid, lda, options for scipy.optimise

    Info: finds the optimal model for a given training set and calculates the training and validation errors for that model. The training set starts with 1 datapoint and is incremented by 1 until the full training set is used. This test can check that the model is converging.

    Outputs: training and validation errors, theta

  • check_error

    Inputs: X, y, theta

    Info: measures the classification error for a given dataset and model.

    Outputs: error

  • validation_curve

    Inputs: Xtrain, ytrain, Xvalid, yvalid, options for scipy.optimise

    Info: Uses a range of lambda values (1e-5 to 1e5) input into the training algorithm to check that the data is not being overfitted by the model and can be used to chose the optimal lambda value.

    Outputs: training and validation errors, lambda values, optimal lambda

  • plotLC

    Inputs: error_train, error_val, fname, xlog (True/False), ylog (True/False), xlabel

    Info: A plotting algorthm used to create figures showing the training and validation errors. Here are example learning , repeat

    and validation curves

  • classify_data

    Inputs: X, y, theta

    Info: Classifies a given dataset and then compares to the predictions to identify the true positives, false postives, true negatives and false negatives

    Outputs: tp, fp, fn, tn, classified data

  • predict

    Inputs: X, theta

    Info: Predicts the classification of new, unknown data.

    Outputs: predicted classifications

Requirements: numpy, matplotlib, pylab, generic_tools

  • sort_data

    Inputs: The dataset to be used

    Info: find the best and worst expected detection significances for each of the sources and extract the detection threshold

    Outputs: The best and worst thresholds and the detection threshold

  • find_sigma_margin

    Inputs: best significance observed data, worst significance observed data, best significances simulated data, worst significances simulated data, detection threshold

    Info: Find the precision, recall and F-score for a range of different margins applied to the best and worst significances

    Outputs: best plot data, worst plot data

  • plot_hist

    Inputs: Observed data, simulated data, detection threshold, label for figure name

    Info: Creates histograms of the input data

  • plot_diagnostic

    Inputs: best plot data, worst plot data

    Info: Create a diagnostic plot illustrating the precision, recall and F-score as a function of the sigma margin. Identify the optimal margins.

    Outputs: Optimal best sigma margin, Optimal worst sigma margin

Requirements: train_anomaly_detect, train_logistic_regression, plotting_tools, generic_tools, glob, sys, numpy

An example executable script for processing TraP data. Usage:

python <precision threshold> <recall threshold> <lda> <anomaly> <logistic> <trans> <tests>

<precision threshold>: required precision of transient identification (1 - False Detection Rate). A probability in the range 0-1

<recall threshold>: required recall, i.e. the probability that all transients are found (0-1)

<lda>: the lambda value to be used in the logistic regression algorithm

<anomaly>: train anomaly detection algorithm? T/F (if F give 0 for both the precision and recall thresholds)

<logistic>: train logistic regression algorithm? T/F (if F give 0 for lda)

<trans>: train the transient detection algorithm? T/F

<tests>: run the test scripts for anomaly detection and logistic regressions

This script uses pre-processed datasets, in the format output by format_trap_data.format_data. The stable sources are in a file named "stable_trans_data.txt". Transient sources are in files "sim_${transient type}_trans_data.txt" where transient type is a short string describing the type of transient source (used for labelling sources in diagnostic plots instead of the frequency parameter). The script trains both the anomaly detection algorithm and logistic regression algorithm, outputting diagnostic plots. The anomaly detection algorithm outputs the best transient search thresholds for use in e.g. TraP, while the logistic regression algorithm outputs an equation that can classify sources. Each method reports its precision and recall. Additionally they output text files with the candidate transient and variable sources identified. Example training files and output plots are given here


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