Addons/common files for ROMs
Smart way to handle both ext4/F2FS at ROM's installation. If TARGET_USERIMAGES_USE_F2FS is set to true, edify_generator from android_build will set format and mount commands for F2FS (in case this file system is enabled for /system too). This isn't a safe way because ROM's installation will be denied on non-F2FS compatible recovery; instead, in this case format as ext4 with mke2fs. Also let the user choose what file system he wants (requires a F2FS-compatible recovery).
TARGET_CUSTOM_SYSTEM_FORMAT := true in your BoardConfig
- in your local source
In your source's root:
cd build && git fetch cm-12.1-custom && git cherry-pick e9b6c07db536e28c9b8d05fb0fc0984149983d2a && cd ..
You're now ready to build
Copyright 2012 - Gokhan Moral
Kernel settings configuration app with dynamic UI generation, made by gokhanmoral. Android Lollipop's Material UI and some additions are made by B--B. We use it with Alucard kernel.
- TARGET_SHIP_STWEAKS := true in your BoardConfig