Releases: AngelFQC/firefox-github-notifier
The Firefox GitHub Notifier 1.3.4
The Firefox GitHub Notifier 1.3.3
The Firefox GitHub Notifier 1.3.2
Refactor browser action event listener. Thanks to @arku.
Trim token when setting options.
The Firefox GitHub Notifier 1.3.1
Minor fix for the badge title after a fetching error
The Firefox GitHub Notifier 1.3.0
Support to display the toolbar icon according to browser theme (light or dark). Thanks to @umpirsky.
The Firefox GitHub Notifier 1.2.4
Fix disabled badge after network error
The Firefox GitHub Notifier 1.2.3
Fixed the badge text stuck in 1 notification when getting 0 notifications #5
The Firefox GitHub Notifier 1.2.2
Added a new option (enabled to default) to avoid displaying the desktop notification when you receive fewer notifications of the amount currently displayed. #4
When you have 0 notifications then the badge will show the GitHub icon only. #2
The badge will be disabled when the connection to GitHub fails #3
Improve notifications: The zero notifications is not shown
Allow desktop notifications: Added a new option to allow show the desktop notifications
Get current options when getting notifications from API