These are my Python Web Scrapers for Stocks that I want to share with you
This is a basic Web Scraping program from the webpage
You can investigate shares, indices, funds, cryptoturrencies and much more.
After collecting, the data will be stored in a dataframe.
is a little bit more complex and not finished yet. It has the purpose to crawl all the stocks I'm personally interested in, import various data, calculate the worth of my portfolio, export complex Dataframes and visualise developments.
- an import function to get the data of my portfolio
- code for creating DataFrames with Pandas
- the actual code for scraping Data from '' (a german page that provides realtime stock quotes)
- some calculations to find out my current depot value
- an export function to save the DataFrames in an Excel file
I also wrote code to append the data on an existing file to create some built-in graphs, but openpyxl always deletes my Excel commands :(
I was able to solve the problems with Excel by creating a PyQt desktop application. This extension of my Scraper puts all the data in tables and visualises the asset distribution of my portfolio with a pie chart.