MERN stack Web Application
- Frontend in React.js
- Backend using Express.js which implements a REST API
- Database in MongoDB
The app proposes to solve a major problem that the students of our college face. There are times when one wants to buy an item, only to find that buying them in bulk would make it much cheaper as opposed to buying a single unit. The app will have an option for sellers to host their products along with the minimum bulk dispatch quantity. Various customers can select from the listed products and order them with their own required quantity. When enough orders are placed for the product and bulk quantity requirements are met, the vendor can dispatch the order.
Run Mongo daemon:
sudo mongod
Mongo will be running on port 27017.
To create a database:
This will open the mongo shell. Type in use users
to create a new database called users.
Run Express:
cd backend/
npm install
npm start
Run React:
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
Navigate to localhost:3000/ in your browser.