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Functional Requirements

Amtron edited this page Mar 24, 2014 · 29 revisions



name type description
role id primary key
name string the name given to the role
description string description of the role


Function Permissions
list all master admin

Specific Roles: Master Admin Admin Client User



name type description
user id primary key
password Char
user profile image foreign key gets the users profile image from user profile image
user name VARCHAR
first name VARCHAR
last name VARCHAR
mobile foreign key
self description TEXT
prime-bitcoin id INTEGER the users main bitcoin wallet
address id foreign key
facebook id string the users facebook id
twitter id string the users twitter id
linkedin id string the users linkedin id
trade count string the amount of trades the user has done
first trade date the first trade made by the user
recent trade date time the date of the most recent trade
trade score integer the score given to the trader based average user feedback
trade endorsements integer the amount of "friends" a trader has
identification level integer to be added later


Function Permissions description
list all public
create public
view any public
change details user
set roll master admin the admin can set roll

User Profile Image

The users profile image


name type description
profile image id primary key
user id foreign id
file string


Function Permissions description
view mine user
view any public
edit user
delete user

User Wallets

The types of currency that the user accepts and the public key


name type description
user wallets id primary key
user id foreign key the id of the user
accepts bitcoin boolean true or false
bitcoin public id foreign key the id of the users public key stored in the bitcoin table
wallet confirmed bitcoin boolean if true key has been found in block chain
accepts litecoin boolean true or false
litecoin public id foreign key the id of the users public key stored in the litecoin table
wallet confirmed litecoin boolean if true key has been found in block chain
accepts dogecoin boolean true or false
doge public foreign key the id of the users public key stored in the dogecoin table
wallet confirmed dogecoin boolean if true key has been found in block chain
accepts peercoin boolean true or false
peercoin public foreign key the id of the users public key stored in the peercoin table
wallet confirmed peercoin boolean if true key has been found in block chain


Function Permissions
add user
list mine user
list users public
delete mine user

User Endorsements

Endorsements can be given to users (traders) by other users at any time and for any reason. Users are only able to give their endorsement once to another user and if the user chooses the user is able to remove their endorsement for any reason.


name type description
endorsement id primary key the endorsement id
for user id integer the user receiving the endorsement
from user id string the user the endorsement is from
after trade boolean if true the endorsement was made after trade
endorsement comment string when the endorsement is given users can leave a comment
endorsement date date / time the time and date the endorsement was given


Function Permissions description
list mine user
list users public list the users endorsements
create user
delete mine user user can delete endorsements given out or received

User Feedback

Users are able to leave feedback after a trade has been completed. Feedback can only be left once per trade and can only be left if the trade is for a service, product or item. Feedback can only be provided by the buyer of the goods, never the seller.


name type description
feedback id primary key the feedback id
trade conclusion id integer the trade conclusion id
buyer id integer the buyer id
seller id integer the seller id
buyer comment string the comment that the buyer leaves for the seller
seller rating integer 1 - 5 stars the buyer can grade the seller


Function Permissions description
list mine as buyer user / public user can list all the feedback they've left for sellers
list mine as seller user / public the seller can view all their buyer feedback
delete mine buyer user the buyer can delete feedback if desired
edit mine buyer user the buyer can edit their feedback if desired

User Address

Users can add multiple addresses to their account. The user can set a primary address which will auto display when the user is required to submit their address for delivery. data:

name type description
address id primary key the address id
user id foreign key who placed the order
primary address boolean if true is primary
street string street
town string town
state string state
post code string post code
country string country
special comments string shipping notes


Function Permissions
list all master admin
list mine user
create user
edit mine user
delete mine user

Trade Item Types: Goods

Trade Category


name type description
category id primary key the id of the category
category name string the category name
trade type string trade type. Goods, Currency, Service


Function Permissions description
create master admin adds the category
edit master admin edits the category
delete master admin deletes the category
list all user lists all the categories

Trade Price and currency type acceptance

name type description
trade price id primary key the primary id
trade item id foreign key the id of the trade item
bitcoin accept boolean is bitcoin accepted true or false
litecoin accept boolean is litecoin accepted true or false
doge coin accept boolean is doge coin accepted true or false
ppc coin accept boolean is ppc coin accepted true or false
base coin string which coin is used as the base for the price set
base coin amount integer that is the price per item


Function Permissions description
add to item user the seller can add a price to his/her product
edit for item user the seller can edit the price and base coin
list user user is able to list the items price and currency accepted



name type description
item goods id primary key the id of the item
user id foreign key the user who wants to sell the item
trade category id integer the category of the trade item
trade price id foreign key the price set for the product is retrieved from the trade price table
trade description string user provided
date date date the trade is entered
deadline date when the trade item is not shown
quantity integer the amount of product the user wants to sell
location sensitive boolean if true reference the location table
location coordinates string the latitude and longitude of the item
location radius integer the distance that the item is allowed to be sent
delivery description string the type of delivery or pic up
initiations integer the amount of times a buyer has inquired
executions integer the amount of times a trade has been executed
completions integer the amount of completed trades for this item
receive type integer references a table of different types of product delivery


Function Permissions description
list all user
list mine user
create user
view any user
view mine user
edit master admin / user a client can edit notes only during the 2 proof sent
delete master admin / user

Trade Initiation

When a user buyer clicks on the buy button of a user sellers ad a "trade initiation" is stored. The trade initiation is used as the first point of reference for the trade to take place.


name type description
initiation id primary key an id for the trade initiation is referenced by
item id foreign key the item id
trader id seller foreign key the seller of the item
trader id buyer foreign key the buyer of the item
initiated by trader id foreign key which user initiated the trade
seller reputation request boolean if the sellers reputation if not public
buyers reputation request boolean if the sellers reputation if not public
request date date time the date and time that the initiation is made
trade proceed boolean did the trade proceed true or false


Function Permissions description
initiate user / buyer / seller activates the trade
edit user / buyer / seller

Trade Executed

Once the buyer is happy to trade with the seller and if the seller has not objected to selling to the buyer a "Trade Executed" row is saved into the "Trade Executed" table. This table stores both the users wallet public keys which are referenced against the block chain of the selected crypto currency to see if the transaction has been successfully completed.


name type description
execution id primary key the execution
initiation id integer the id for the trade initiation is referenced by
currency type integer the type of crypto currency that is being transferred
buyer wallet string the buyers wallet
seller wallet string the sellers wallet
transaction left boolean checks to see if the coins have left the buyers wallet
transaction received boolean checks if the coins have been received
left date date / time the date the coins were sent
received date date / time did the trade proceed true or false
coin amount integer the amount of coins that have been sent
transaction error boolean if true return error message to both traders
transaction success boolean if true return success

Trade Conclusion

When a "Trade Execution" has been recorded as successful a "Trade Conclusion" will be stored. data:

name type description
execution id foreign key the execution id
conclusion id primary key an id for the trade initiation is referenced by
trade duration integer the amount of time the execution process had taken
conclusion date date/time the date of the conclusion
buyer id integer the buyers id
seller id integer the sellers id
buyer endorsement boolean did the seller endorse the buyer
seller rating / comment boolean if the buyer would like to leave rating and comment


Function Permissions description
view mine user buyer / seller

Trade Comments

Traders are able to chat to each other once a trade initiation has been made. When a comment has been made by one of the traders it will be saved into the trade comment table


name type description
comment id primary key an id for the trade comment
initiation id integer the id of the trade initiation the comment has been directed
date / time date/time the date and time of the comment
comment string the comment that was made
user id integer the id of the user that made the comment


Function Permissions description
comment user / buyer / seller adds a comment
list all with initiation id user / buyer / seller lists all the comments with the initiation id

Outside Trade

This table will record activity outside of Cryptopia so that the user is able to comment on and make public transaction and deposits that take place outside of Cyptopia. This will also be useful as a notification service later on down the track which could alert the user of unauthorised activity.


name type description
outside trade id primary key the id of the outside trade
user id foreign key the id of the user
date / time date/time the date and time of the transaction/deposit
from user boolean if true money left users wallet and was sent to another wallet
user wallet public key string the users wallet public key
second traders public key string the other traders public key
second traders user id foreign key displays other user id if wallet id found in database
trade amount integer the amount traded
public boolean if true show on profile if false keep hidden
trade comment string a simple comment on the trade
trade rating integer 1 - 5 rating on the trade


Function Permissions description
view all admin admin can view all
view all public public public can see all outside trades
view mine user user can view their own
edit mine user user can edit their own

Bitcoin Public Key Table

Stores all users bitcoin public keys


name type description
bitcoin public id primary key the key referenced
bitcoin public wallet string the public wallet string
user id foreign key the users id


Function Permissions description
list all admin lists all