MEAN stack is intended to provide a starting point for building full-stack web applicatioin. The stack is made of MongoDB, Express, Angular and NodeJS. The main focus of this project to show case the possible way to run a real application (Mean stack) using docker for development enviornment and produciton mode.
This is a simple web application. It has working user registration, login page and also there is a complete example of CRUD which contains example for Angular Routing and exprtess js rest api samples. Also, rest services are secure using JWT.
In MEAN stack A stands for Angular, fronend of this project is developed in Angular.
It contains sample for below:
- User Registration
- Login
- Profile
- A complete CRUD example for Contact
Also, It has sample code for Auth guard, services, http interceptors, resolver and JWT imaplmenation
For folder structure details refer this link: Frontend Folder Structure
In MEAN stack, E stands for Expressjs, all rest services are developed using express js.
It constains sample for:
- Mongodb connection and schema validation using Mongoose
- JWT implementation for Authorization
- API routing
- User registration & login APIs
- Complete CRUD exmaple for Contact
For folder structure details refer this link: API Folder Structure
We are using Mongodb for database. MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas.
We have uses NGINX loadbalancer in case if there is a requirement that frontend and api need to be exposed on same port. For configutration please check nginx.conf
Loadbalancer (nginx) Dockerfile
You can start the application in debug mode (database, api and frontend) using docker-compose:
git clone
cd mean-docker
docker-compose -f 'docker-compose.debug.yml' up
It will run fronend http://localhost:4200
and api on http://localhost:3000
. you can also access mongodb on port 27017.
Also, it will automatically refresh (hot reload) your UI for code changes. That is also true for expressjs file changes.
For Production mode, there is 2 options:
- Using 2 containers (Express (frontend and api) and Mongo)
git clone
cd mean-docker
docker-compose -f 'docker-compose.yml' up
# or just run beow as docker consider default file name 'docker-compose.yml'
docker-compose up
It will run fronend and api on http://localhost:3000
.you can also access mongodb on port 27017
- Using 4 containers (Mongo,api, angular and nginx)
git clone
cd mean-docker
docker-compose -f 'docker-compose.nginx.yml' up
It will run fronend and api on http://localhost
. you can aslo access by it's invidual ports. For Frontend http://localhost:4000
and for api http://localhost:3000
.you can also access mongodb on port 27017
- Install latest Node js
- Install Nodemon as global package (To run exprerssjs in development mode)
npm install -g nodemon
- Optional (Install Angular CLI
npm install -g @angular/cli
) - Install Mongodb locally or Signup for a free managed account
- Before running the project make sure that you are able to connect MongoDb , you can use Robo 3T for it
Clone the project and run npm install
in frontend and api folder.
git clone
cd mean-docker/fronend
npm i
npm start
cd mean-docker/api
npm i
npm start
For passing enviornment variables (database details) in api, Navigate to api folder, rename .env.example
to .env
and update your mongo db details there.
Also, you can run d npm run dev-server
from frontend folder to run frontend and api together.
It will run Api on http://localhost:3000
and frontend on http://localhost:4200
The main focus of this project to show case the possible way to run a real application (Mean stack) using docker.
we have considered 3 scenarios:
Using 2 containers (docker-compose.yml)
- express : To host Frontend (Angular) and backend api (expressjs) together
- database: To host MongoDB
Note: If in above case we are using MongoDB as managed service then we will require only one container.
version: "3.8" # specify docker-compose version
# Define the services/containers to be run
express: #name of the second service
build: # specify the directory of the Dockerfile
context: .
dockerfile: dockerfile
container_name: mean_angular_express
- "3000:3000" #specify ports forewarding
# Below database enviornment variable for api is helpful when you have to use database as managed service
- SECRET=Thisismysecret
- MONGO_DB_USERNAME=admin-user
- MONGO_DB_PASSWORD=admin-password
- MONGO_DB_HOST=database
- MONGO_DB_PARAMETERS=?authSource=admin
- MONGO_DB_DATABASE=mean-contacts
- database
database: # name of the third service
image: mongo:latest # specify image to build container from
container_name: mean_mongo
- MONGO_DB_USERNAME=admin-user1
- MONGO_DB_PASSWORD=admin-password1
- MONGO_DB=mean-contacts
- ./mongo:/home/mongodb
- ./mongo/init-db.d/:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
- ./mongo/db:/data/db
- "27017:27017" # specify port forewarding
Using 4 containers (docker-compose.nginx.yml)
- angular: Application's frontend (Angular)
- express: Application's Rest services (expressjs)
- database: Application database: MongoDB
- nginx: As laod balancer, also expose UI and API on same ports
Note: If in above case we are using MongoDB as managed service then we will require only one container.
version: "3.8" # specify docker-compose version
# Define the services/containers to be run
angular: # name of the first service
build: frontend # specify the directory of the Dockerfile
container_name: mean_angular
- "4000:4000" # specify port forewarding
- NODE_ENV=dev
express: #name of the second service
build: api # specify the directory of the Dockerfile
container_name: mean_express
- "3000:3000" #specify ports forewarding
# Below database enviornment variable for api is helpful when you have to use database as managed service
- SECRET=Thisismysecret
- MONGO_DB_USERNAME=admin-user
- MONGO_DB_PASSWORD=admin-password
- MONGO_DB_HOST=database
- MONGO_DB_PARAMETERS=?authSource=admin
- MONGO_DB_DATABASE=mean-contacts
- database
database: # name of the third service
image: mongo:latest # specify image to build container from
container_name: mean_mongo
- MONGO_DB_USERNAME=admin-user1
- MONGO_DB_PASSWORD=admin-password1
- MONGO_DB=mean-contacts
- ./mongo:/home/mongodb
- ./mongo/init-db.d/:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
- ./mongo/db:/data/db
- "27017:27017" # specify port forewarding
nginx: #name of the fourth service
build: loadbalancer # specify the directory of the Dockerfile
container_name: mean_nginx
- "80:80" #specify ports forewarding
- express
- angular
Development Mode (docker-compose.debug.yml)
It will run 3 containers which are required for development.
version: "3.8" # specify docker-compose version
# Define the services/containers to be run
angular: # name of the first service
build: # specify the directory of the Dockerfile
context: ./frontend
dockerfile: debug.dockerfile
container_name: mean_angular
- ./frontend:/frontend
- /frontend/node_modules
- "4200:4200" # specify port forewarding
- "49153:49153"
- NODE_ENV=dev
express: #name of the second service
build: # specify the directory of the Dockerfile
context: ./api
dockerfile: debug.dockerfile
container_name: mean_express
- ./api:/api
- /api/node_modules
- "3000:3000" #specify ports forewarding
- SECRET=Thisismysecret
- NODE_ENV=development
- MONGO_DB_USERNAME=admin-user
- MONGO_DB_PASSWORD=admin-password
- MONGO_DB_HOST=database
- MONGO_DB_PARAMETERS=?authSource=admin
- MONGO_DB_DATABASE=mean-contacts
- database
database: # name of the third service
image: mongo # specify image to build container from
container_name: mean_mongo
- MONGO_DB_USERNAME=admin-user1
- MONGO_DB_PASSWORD=admin-password1
- MONGO_DB=mean-contacts
- ./mongo:/home/mongodb
- ./mongo/init-db.d/:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
- ./mongo/db:/data/db
- "27017:27017" # specify port forewarding