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catalog-server provides cone searches against extcats and catsHTM catalogs via a REST API. It is strictly read-only, and safe to expose to anonymous users with appropriate rate-limiting.

A Unit-based container is available at ampelproject/catalog-server.

Usage examples

Cone search for nearest source in a single catalog

> curl -s -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8500/cone_search/nearest --data '{"ra_deg": 0, "dec_deg": 0, "catalogs": [{"name": "PS1", "use": "catsHTM", "rs_arcsec": 600}]}' | jq
    "body": {
      "RA": 9.596099480145143e-05,
      "Dec": -5.788890609722272e-05,
      "ErrRA": 0.001,
      "ErrDec": 0.001,
      "MeanEpoch": 55989.22180556,
      "posMeanChi2": 1.3364,
      "gPSFMag": -999,
      "gPSFMagErr": -999,
      "gpsfLikelihood": null,
      "gMeanPSFMagStd": -999,
      "gMeanPSFMagNpt": 0,
      "gMeanPSFMagMin": -999,
      "gMeanPSFMagMax": -999,
      "rPSFMag": 22.0139,
      "rPSFMagErr": 0.186498,
      "rpsfLikelihood": null,
      "rMeanPSFMagStd": -999,
      "rMeanPSFMagNpt": 1,
      "rMeanPSFMagMin": 22.0139,
      "rMeanPSFMagMax": 22.0139,
      "iPSFMag": 21.7694,
      "iPSFMagErr": 0.022677,
      "ipsfLikelihood": null,
      "iMeanPSFMagStd": 0.045144,
      "iMeanPSFMagNpt": 4,
      "iMeanPSFMagMin": 21.7291,
      "iMeanPSFMagMax": 21.8282,
      "zPSFMag": 21.201,
      "zPSFMagErr": 0.036762,
      "zpsfLikelihood": null,
      "zMeanPSFMagStd": 0.073169,
      "zMeanPSFMagNpt": 2,
      "zMeanPSFMagMin": 21.1278,
      "zMeanPSFMagMax": 21.2013,
      "yPSFMag": -999,
      "yPSFMagErr": -999,
      "ypsfLikelihood": null,
      "yMeanPSFMagStd": -999,
      "yMeanPSFMagNpt": 0,
      "yMeanPSFMagMin": -999,
      "yMeanPSFMagMax": -999
    "dist_arcsec": 23.116053641503775

Veto search against multiple catalogs:

> curl -s -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8500/cone_search/any --data '{"ra_deg": 0.00549816, "dec_deg": -0.00331679, "catalogs": [{"name": "GAIADR2", "use": "catsHTM", "rs_arcsec": 3}, {"name": "varstars", "use": "extcats", "rs_arcsec": 3}]}' | jq

Deploy your own catalog-server

  1. Download the catsHTM catalog files (~1.9 TB).

  2. Start an instance of MongoDB and populate it with extcats catalogs. Ensure that the meta collection of each extcats database contains a document of the form: {"_id": "keys", "ra": "RAJ2000", "dec": "DECJ2000"}, where the "ra" and "dec" keys indicate the fields in the srcs documents that contain the right ascension and declination of the source in degrees. This is currently necessary to calculate distances for both geoJSON and HEALpix-indexed catalogs, and may be improved in the future.

  3. Start catalog-server in Nginx Unit with e.g. docker run -d -v /path/to/catsHTM/catalogs:/data/catsHTM -v $(pwd)/config.json:/docker-entrypoint.d/config.json ampelproject/catalogserver:latest, where config.json is

        "certificates": {},
        "config": {
                "listeners": {
                        "*:8500": {
                                "pass": "applications/catalog-server"

                "applications": {
                        "catalog-server": {
                                "type": "python 3.7",
                                "path": "/www",
                                "module": "app.main",
                                "callable": "app",
                                "environment": {
                                        "MONGO_URI": "mongodb://user:password@mongo-instance:27017",
                                        "CATSHTM_DIR": "/data/catsHTM"

                                "processes": {
                                        "max": 4,
                                        "spare": 1,
                                        "idle_timeout": 30

where mongodb://user:password@mongo-instance:27017 should be replaced with a MongoDB URI that can be used to connect as the (read-only) catalog user.

Daemonless container runtimes require slightly different options, e.g. for Singularity:

singularity run --containall \
    -B $(pwd)/config.json:/docker-entrypoint.d/config.json:ro \
    -B $(pwd)/state:/var/lib/unit \
    -B $(pwd)/run:/run \
    -B $(pwd)/log:/var/log \
    -B /data/ampel/catalogs/catsHTM2:/data/catsHTM:ro \
    /data/ampel/singularity/catalog-server_latest.sif \
    unitd --no-daemon

where state, run, and log are local directories writable by the user executing singularity.

Run tests locally

docker run --rm -d --name extcats -p 27021:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=root -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=12345 -v $(pwd)/tests/test-data/minimongodumps:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d mongo:5 MONGO_URI=mongodb://nobody:seekrit@localhost:27021 pytest


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