The Supplier Management API is a Spring Boot application designed for managing suppliers efficiently. This API allows users to add, query, and manage supplier information while providing clear documentations and validations through Swagger and structured endpoints.
- Features
- Technology Stack
- Getting Started
- API Endpoints
- Request and Response Examples
- Swagger UI Documentation
- Exception Handling
- Service Layer
- Contributing
- Add Suppliers: Create new suppliers with comprehensive validation.
- Query Suppliers: Retrieve suppliers based on various criteria.
- Data Validation: Use of enums for allowed values on certain parameters.
- Interactive API Documentation: Detailed documentation through Swagger.
- Robust Exception Handling: Handle errors gracefully with informative responses.
- Java 22
- Spring Boot 3.x
- Spring Data JPA
- Hibernate
- Swagger/OpenAPI
- JUnit 5 & Mockito (for testing)
Ensure you have the following installed on your machine:
- Java 22
- Maven or Gradle (as a build tool)
- An IDE (like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse) for development (optional)
Clone the Repository:
git clone [] cd makersharks-supplier-api
Build the Project:
For Maven:
mvn clean install
For Gradle:
./gradlew build
Configure the Database:
Ensure your application can connect to a database (e.g., H2, MySQL, PostgreSQL) by updating the
with your database connection details. MYSQL Enter ur database name , username and password in the fields.
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydatabase spring.datasource.username=myuser spring.datasource.password=secret spring.datasource.driver-class-name=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver true
To start the Supplier Management API, use the following command:
For Maven:
mvn spring-boot:run
POST /suppliers/add
Description: Add a new supplier to the system.
Request Body:
{ "companyName": "Example Company", "website": "", "location": "NEW_YORK", "natureOfBusiness": "medium_scale", "manufacturingProcesses": "moulding" }
- Endpoint:
POST /api/supplier/query
- Description: Retrieve suppliers filtered by location, nature of business, and manufacturing processes.
- Query Parameters:
: Allowed values: ANY(ALREADY IN DB:NEW_YORK
: Allowed values:small_scale
: Allowed values:moulding
Using CURL to add a supplier:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/suppliers/add \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"companyName": "Example Company",
"website": "",
"location": "INDIA",
"natureOfBusiness": "medium_scale",
"manufacturingProcesses": "moulding"
On successful addition, you will receive a response like:
"supplierId": 1,
"companyName": "Example Company",
"website": "",
"location": "INDIA",
"natureOfBusiness": "medium_scale",
"manufacturingProcesses": "moulding"
You can view and interact with the API documentation through Swagger UI. To access the Swagger documentation, open your browser and navigate to:http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
- Access the UI: Open the above URL in your web browser.
- Explore API Endpoints:
- The Swagger UI will display a list of all available API endpoints.
- Each endpoint will show the HTTP method, endpoint URL, and a brief description.
- Try It Out:
- Click on any endpoint to expand it.
- You can view details such as request parameters, request body, and response types.
- Use the "Try it out" button to send requests directly from the UI. Enter required input in the fields and hit the button to execute the request.
- View Responses:
- After making a request, Swagger will display the server's response including the status code, response body, and any message returned.
- Interactive Documentation: Provides a user-friendly interface for exploring and testing the API without needing additional tools (like Postman).
- Immediate Feedback: Developers can quickly test endpoints and see live responses, which aids in debugging and development.
- Clear Structure: Clearly organized documentation helps users understand the API’s capabilities and how to interact with it more effectively.
The application incorporates a centralized approach for managing exceptions:
Error Responses: When an error occurs, the API returns structured JSON responses with appropriate HTTP status codes. Custom Exception Classes: You can create specific exception classes to handle different error scenarios for clarity and maintainability.
The service layer encapsulates the business logic of the application:
SupplierService: Manages operations related to suppliers, including adding, fetching, and deleting suppliers. Validation Logic: Validates incoming data to ensure compliance with required formats and business rules. Example Service Method
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute:
Fork the repository. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch). Make your changes and commit them (git commit -m 'Add some feature'). Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch). Create a Pull Request outlining your changes.