Plugin creates customizable tasks which generate coverage reports for unit and instrumentation tests.
Also helps you set coverage threshold for you source code and creates tasks to verify your code coverage meets the threshold.
#Latest Version 1.0 - experimental
#Adding gradle dependency
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'in.proroaster.kaushik:coverage:1.0'
#Tasks Creates following tasks for debug build type:
- flavorDebugUnitTestCoverage
- flavorDebugInstrumentationTestCoverage
- mergeFlavorDebugCoverageReports
- checkFlavorDebugUnitTestCoverage
- checkFlavorDebugAndroidTestCoverage
#extensions Offers extentions to configure your reports:
unitTestConfig {
exclusions []
inclusions []
executionData ""
csvReport false
boolean checkThresholdAfterRunningTest = true
def coverageLimits = [:]
instrumentationTestConfig {
exclusions []
inclusions []
executionData ""
csvReport false
checkThresholdAfterRunningTest = true
coverageLimits = [:]
#CoverageLimits specify coverage thresholds in form of map, where keys are type of coverage
Valid keys are -{
set true if you want to run coverage threshold check whenever you run test(Ideal way)
if you want to run your check separately, remember to generate coverage report before running check
i.e. if you set to true then you can run checkFlavorDebugUnitTestCoverage which will run flavorDebugUnitTestCoverage as dependency
- can be applied to android applications and library
- jacoco must be applied for coverage