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AmirMuratov committed Apr 2, 2018
0 parents commit d24e5a7
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Showing 8 changed files with 474 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions
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# Twitch IRC
Twitch irc implementation on scala using akka actors. Twitch server API described [here](
### Usage
Twitch bot is an actor which sends messages about all events to its listeners.
### Messages that can be sent to TwitchIRCActor
* ```Join(channelName: String)```
* ```Part(channelName: String)```
* ```SendMessage(channelName: String, message: String)```
* ```SendWhisper(userName: String, message: String)```
* ```AddListener(listener: ActorRef)```
* ```DeleteListener(listener: ActorRef)```
### Events
if ```tags``` is disabled then ```tags``` are empty

success/fail log in events:
* ```ConnectionFailed(err: String)```
* ```Connected```

event after logging in(contains information about user in ```tags```)
* ```GlobalUserState(tags: Map[String, String])```

message events:
* ```IncomingMessage(tags: Map[String, String], user: String, channel: String, message: String)```
* ```IncomingWhisper(tags: Map[String, String], user: String, message: String)```

sent only if ```membership``` is enabled:
* ```UserJoinedChannel(user: String, channel: String)```
* ```UserLeftChannel(user: String, channel: String)```
* ```UserGainModeMessage(user: String, channel: String)```
* ```UserLostModeMessage(user: String, channel: String)```
* ```ChannelUserList(channel: String, users: Seq[String])```

sent only if ```commands``` is enabled:
* ```UserBan(tags: Map[String, String], channel: String, user: String)```
* ```HostStart(channel: String, hostChannel: String, viewers: Option[Int])```
* ```HostStop(channel: String, viewers: Option[Int])```
* ```Notice(tags: Map[String, String], channel: String, message: String)```
* ```RoomState(tags: Map[String, String], channel: String)```
* ```UserNotice(tags: Map[String, String], channel: String, message: String)```
* ```UserState(tags: Map[String, String], channel: String)```

### Creating example
Code inside actor:
import bot.twitchirc.TwitchIRCActor
import bot.twitchirc.TwitchIRCActor.{AddListener, TwitchIRCProps}
val twitchIRCActor = context.actorOf(TwitchIRCActor.props(nick, oauth,
props = TwitchIRCProps(membership = true, tags = true, commands = true)), "TwitchIRCActor")
twitchIRCActor ! AddListener(self)
```nick``` - twitch login
```oauth``` - can be obtained [here](
### TwitchIRCProps - case class with properties:
* membership - server send information about users join/left. Described [here](
* tags - additional information about users/events in messages. Described [here](
* commands - adds additional commands. Described [here](
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions build.sbt
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name := "TwitchIRC"

version := "0.1"

scalaVersion := "2.12.5"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.5.11",
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-testkit" % "2.5.11" % Test
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions project/
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
sbt.version = 1.1.2
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/bot/twitchirc/TCPClientActor.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
package bot.twitchirc


import{Actor, ActorLogging, Props}
import{IO, Tcp}
import akka.util.ByteString
import bot.twitchirc.TCPClientActor.{CloseConnection, DataReceived, SendData, WriteFailed, _}

* Created by amir.
class TCPClientActor(remote: InetSocketAddress) extends Actor with ActorLogging {

import Tcp._
import context.system"trying to connect ${remote.getHostName}:${remote.getPort} ")
private val manager = IO(Tcp)
manager ! Connect(remote)

private var buffer: String = ""

override def postStop(): Unit = {
manager ! Close

private val delimiter = List(13, 10).map(_.toChar).mkString

def receive: Receive = {
case CommandFailed(_: Connect)
context.parent ! ConnectionFailed("can't connect to server")
context stop self
case Connected(_, _)
context.parent ! TCPClientActor.Connected
val connection = sender()
connection ! Register(self)
context become {
case SendData(data)
//"sending: $data")
connection ! Write(ByteString(data + "\n"))
case CloseConnection
connection ! Close
context stop self

case CommandFailed(w: Write)
// O/S buffer was full
context.parent ! WriteFailed(
case Received(data)
val split = (buffer ++ data.utf8String).split(delimiter, -1)
buffer = split.last
split.init foreach { line =>
//"received: $line")
context.parent ! DataReceived(line)

object TCPClientActor {
def props(remote: InetSocketAddress) =
Props(classOf[TCPClientActor], remote)

//send result of connecting to parent
case object Connected

case class ConnectionFailed(message: String)

//messages sent to listener on events
case class DataReceived(data: String)

case class WriteFailed(data: String)

//messages that can be sent
case class SendData(data: String)

case object CloseConnection

198 changes: 198 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/bot/twitchirc/TwitchIRCActor.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
package bot.twitchirc


import{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, Cancellable, Props}
import bot.twitchirc.TCPClientActor.{Connected, ConnectionFailed, DataReceived, SendData}
import bot.twitchirc.TwitchIRCActor._
import bot.twitchirc.messages.Message._
import bot.twitchirc.messages.MessageParser

import scala.concurrent.duration._

* Created by amir.
class TwitchIRCActor(address: InetSocketAddress, nick: String, oauth: String, props: TwitchIRCProps) extends Actor with ActorLogging {

import context.dispatcher


private val respondTimeout = 30 seconds

private val successfulConnectionMessage = s" 376 $nick :>"
private val successfulMembership = " CAP * ACK"
private val successfulTags = " CAP * ACK"
private val successfulCommands = " CAP * ACK"

private val tcpClientActor = context.actorOf(TCPClientActor.props(address), "TCPClient")
private var timeoutTerminator: Cancellable = _
private var membershipTimeout: Cancellable = _
private var tagsTimeout: Cancellable = _
private var commandsTimeout: Cancellable = _
private val messageParser = new MessageParser(nick)
private var listeners: Set[ActorRef] = Set.empty

private var sentMessages: Map[(String, String), Cancellable] = Map.empty
private var joins: Map[String, Cancellable] = Map.empty
private var parts: Map[String, Cancellable] = Map.empty
private var channelsToUsers: Map[String, Seq[String]] = Map.empty

override def preStart(): Unit = {"starting TwitchIrc")

override def receive: Receive = {
case err@ConnectionFailed(_) =>
log.error("Connection to twitch server failed. Shutting down.")
listeners.foreach(_ ! err)
context stop self
case Connected =>"Successfully connected to twitch server")
if (props.membership) {
tcpClientActor ! SendData("CAP REQ")
membershipTimeout = context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(respondTimeout)({
log.error("Twitch server doesn't respond for membership capability request")
if (props.tags) {
tcpClientActor ! SendData("CAP REQ")
tagsTimeout = context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(respondTimeout)({
log.error("Twitch server doesn't respond for tags capability request")
if (props.commands) {
tcpClientActor ! SendData("CAP REQ")
commandsTimeout = context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(respondTimeout)({
log.error("Twitch server doesn't respond for commands capability request")
//try to login
tcpClientActor ! SendData(s"PASS $oauth")
tcpClientActor ! SendData(s"NICK $nick")
timeoutTerminator = context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(respondTimeout)({
log.error("Connected to server, but can't log in")
listeners.foreach(_ ! ConnectionFailed("Connected to server, but can't log in"))
context stop self
case DataReceived(`successfulMembership`) if props.membership =>
membershipTimeout.cancel()"membership capability included")
case DataReceived(`successfulTags`) if props.tags =>
tagsTimeout.cancel()"tags capability included")
case DataReceived(`successfulCommands`) if props.commands =>
commandsTimeout.cancel()"commands capability included")
case DataReceived(`successfulConnectionMessage`) =>
timeoutTerminator.cancel()"Successfully logged in")
self ! Join("#" + nick)
context become commandParser
listeners.foreach(_ ! Connected)
case AddListener(listener: ActorRef) => listeners += listener
case DeleteListener(listener: ActorRef) => listeners -= listener

private def commandParser: Receive = {
case DataReceived(line) =>
messageParser.parseLine(line) match {
case Ping =>
tcpClientActor ! SendData("PONG")
case JoinConfirmation(channel) =>
joins -= channel
case PartConfirmation(channel) =>
parts -= channel
case MessageDeliverConfirmation(channel, message) =>
sentMessages.get((channel, message)).foreach(_.cancel())
sentMessages -= ((channel, message))

case ChannelUserList(channel, users) =>
channelsToUsers += channel -> (users ++ channelsToUsers.getOrElse(channel, Seq()))
case EndOfUserList(channel) =>
listeners.foreach(_ ! ChannelUserList(channel, channelsToUsers.getOrElse(channel, Seq())))
channelsToUsers -= channel

case msg@(UserJoinedChannel(_, _)
| UserLeftChannel(_, _)
| UserGainModeMessage(_, _)
| UserLostModeMessage(_, _)
| IncomingMessage(_, _, _, _)
| UserBan(_, _, _)
| GlobalUserState(_)
| RoomState(_, _)
| UserNotice(_, _, _)
| UserState(_, _)
| HostStart(_, _, _)
| HostStop(_, _)
| Notice(_, _, _)) => listeners.foreach(_ ! msg)
case msg@UnknownMessage(_) => listeners.foreach(_ ! msg)
case Join(name) =>
val channelName = name.toLowerCase
tcpClientActor ! SendData(s"JOIN $channelName")
joins += channelName -> context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(respondTimeout)({
log.error(s"Twitch server doesn't respond JOIN $channelName request")
joins -= channelName
case Part(name) =>
val channelName = name.toLowerCase
tcpClientActor ! SendData(s"PART $channelName")
parts += channelName -> context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(respondTimeout)({
log.error(s"Twitch server doesn't respond PART $channelName request")
parts -= channelName
case SendMessage(name, message) =>
val channelName = name.toLowerCase
tcpClientActor ! SendData(s"PRIVMSG $channelName :$message")
sentMessages += (channelName, message) -> context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(respondTimeout)({
log.error(s"Twitch server doesn't respond PRIVMSG $channelName, $message request")
parts -= (channelName, message)
case SendWhisper(name, message) =>
val userName = name.toLowerCase
tcpClientActor ! SendData(s"PRIVMSG #$nick :/w $userName $message")
case AddListener(listener: ActorRef) => listeners += listener
case DeleteListener(listener: ActorRef) => listeners -= listener


object TwitchIRCActor {

* @param membership Adds membership state event data
* @param tags Adds IRC V3 message tags to several commands, if enabled with the commands capability.
* @param commands Enables several Twitch-specific commands
* @param botType throttling parameter
case class TwitchIRCProps(membership: Boolean = true, tags: Boolean = true, commands: Boolean = true, botType: BotType = KnownBot)

sealed trait BotType
case object KnownBot extends BotType

private val defaultAddress = new InetSocketAddress("", 6667)

private val defaultProps = TwitchIRCProps()

def props(nick: String, oauth: String, address: InetSocketAddress = defaultAddress, props: TwitchIRCProps = defaultProps): Props =
Props(new TwitchIRCActor(address, nick.toLowerCase, oauth, props))

case class Join(channelName: String)

case class Part(channelName: String)

case class SendMessage(channelName: String, message: String)

case class SendWhisper(userName: String, message: String)

case class AddListener(listener: ActorRef)

case class DeleteListener(listener: ActorRef)

37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/bot/twitchirc/messages/Message.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package bot.twitchirc.messages

* Created by amir.
sealed trait Message

object Message {

private[twitchirc] case object Ping extends Message

case class UnknownMessage(message: String) extends Message

private[twitchirc] case class JoinConfirmation(channel: String) extends Message
private[twitchirc] case class PartConfirmation(channel: String) extends Message
private[twitchirc] case class MessageDeliverConfirmation(channel: String, message: String) extends Message

case class UserJoinedChannel(user: String, channel: String) extends Message
case class UserLeftChannel(user: String, channel: String) extends Message
case class UserGainModeMessage(user: String, channel: String) extends Message
case class UserLostModeMessage(user: String, channel: String) extends Message
case class ChannelUserList(channel: String, users: Seq[String]) extends Message
private[twitchirc] case class EndOfUserList(channel: String) extends Message

case class IncomingMessage(tags: Map[String, String], user: String, channel: String, message: String) extends Message
case class IncomingWhisper(tags: Map[String, String], user: String, message: String) extends Message
case class UserBan(tags: Map[String, String], channel: String, user: String) extends Message
case class GlobalUserState(tags: Map[String, String]) extends Message
case class RoomState(tags: Map[String, String], channel: String) extends Message
case class UserNotice(tags: Map[String, String], channel: String, message: String) extends Message
case class UserState(tags: Map[String, String], channel: String) extends Message

case class HostStart(channel: String, hostChannel: String, viewers: Option[Int]) extends Message
case class HostStop(channel: String, viewers: Option[Int]) extends Message
case class Notice(tags: Map[String, String], channel: String, message: String) extends Message


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