A Good Core typescript library with utility functions and effective data structures for use with both Node and browser.
It brings:
- type definitions
- fluent api where applicable
- high performance
- fully tested
- fully tree shakeable with rollup
- Zero external dependencies
It contains ...
the following JSON.stringify -able data structures:
- List (indexable, with iterator)
- SortedList (O(log(n)) lookup, and iterator)
- Dictionary
- Stack
- Tree
- Vec2
- Range2
- Rect
- KeyValuePair<S, T>
general utility objects:
- Pool
method combinator decorators:
- @before
- @after
- @around
- @provided
- @once (caches first result)
- @async
- @async.before
- @async.after
- @async.provided
- Initable
- Pooable
and lots of utility functions for:
- Array manipulation, optimized for speed
- Dom manipulation
- Moc data generation
- Object manipulation
- Timer
- Uri location handling
- Fast rotation calculation using pre calculationand and closest value
- Utility functions for
- Asserts
- Function proxies
- Log pipe
- Guid generation
- looping
- Removed all different bundlings of the library except: goodcore.bundle.min.js and goodcore-lite.bundle.min.js.
- Moved to ES2021 transpilation for the whole library.
- Removed the ES(6) version of the library since there is no ES5 version anymore.
- Several Array functions, such as slice() and map(), have been deprecated in favor of native array functions. Deprecated functions will result in a console.warn message. If you want to disable this message set
Global.noDeprecationWarnings = true;
- Array functions that had optimized code for older browsers (IE) have had that code removed.
- Obj
now mixes objects deep in the case when the target and the source both have a property value with the object type.
- Util
function deprecate<T extends Function>(instead: string, fn: T): T
in favor ofFunction.prototype.name
since it did not feel very "core" and was not handling any variations of arrow functions. Replace with .toString and a regex of your choice.
Iterator support in List and SortedList requires that the browser supports it too. So if you have to support a browser which do not such as IE11 then please use a polyfill like core.js.
Here is a small example that makes no sense other than show what the lib looks like in use.
import { Initable, List, provided, Range2, Util, Vec2 } from "goodcore";
let world = new Range2(2, 2, 8, 8); //x,y,h,w
function inWorld(point: IVec2): boolean {
return world.containsPoint(point);
class BaseLogger {
private _list: List<Vec2> = new List<Vec2>();
public id: string = "";
public log(point: IVec2) {
this._list.add(new Vec2().set(point));
public search(point: IVec2): List<Vec2> {
return this._list.select((p, i) => p.equals(point)).clone();
public get list(): List<Vec2> {
return this._list.clone();
class Logger extends Initable(BaseLogger) {}
// log in the order of distance from 0,0
let logger: Logger = new Logger().init({id: Util.newUUID()}) as Logger;
logger.log({x: 1, y: 3});
logger.log({x: 4, y: 4});
logger.log({x: 5, y: 5});
logger.log({x: 7, y: 8});
logger.log({x: 9, y: 3});
.orderBy((a, b) => a.length() - b.length())
.forEach((p) => console.log(p.x, p.y));
let contains = logger.search({x: 4, y: 4});
console.log(`does the log contain point 4,4? ${contains.count > 0}`);
Found a bug? GREAT! Raise an issue!
When developing, please:
- Write unit tests.
- Make sure your unit tests pass