Release Notes - Apps Development Framework - Version 1.9.0
- [ADF-1603] - remove all the reference to deprecated <template> from the documentation
- [ADF-226] - No 'Requeue' option after claiming a task. - 1599 Github
- [ADF-1531] - Enhance document list breadcrumb with an input option to provide custom root id.
- [ADF-1574] - Info Drawer - Add a mechanism to know the current active tab
- [ADF-1609] - Tasklist - Provide a Multi selection property
- [ADF-1622] - Provide ability for components to change browser page title.
- [ADF-1623] - Integration of Viewer with Router
- [ADF-1632] - Task Header - Parent name default value should be None
- [ADF-1012] - The checklist delete button of a completed task is displayed
- [ADF-1259] - Process Filter - Wrong process filter is selected when a new process is created
- [ADF-1291] - [Attachment list] after upload list is not instantly refreshed
- [ADF-1338] - Document list should automatically be refreshed after undoing/cancelling a file upload.
- [ADF-1364] - The pagination is not properly displayed when moving a file or folder
- [ADF-1444] - File name is not fully displayed.
- [ADF-1455] - When an app has a long name, is displayed under the logo.
- [ADF-1467] - ADF components custom theming
- [ADF-1478] - Pagination is not properly displayed when resizing the browser window.
- [ADF-1479] - Pagination is not working properly on Document List.
- [ADF-1488] - Document List does not reset selection on "node" change
- [ADF-1493] - Cannot tab in menu option within file/folder
- [ADF-1503] - Completed process and task displays, can still upload content
- [ADF-1506] - Upon node deletion the toast message shows guid
- [ADF-1516] - Date widget is swapping days with months.
- [ADF-1520] - Advanced date widget doesn't display the correct date.
- [ADF-1521] - Display value fields configured with process variables are not rendered in ADF 1.8.0
- [ADF-1523] - APS task form remains disabled when no custom outcome is provided in ADF 1.8.0
- [ADF-1525] - In APS forms, hyperlink fields are not rendered when configured with process variables
- [ADF-1526] - The form component is not responsive in ADF 1.8.0
- [ADF-1528] - Form renderer does not display generated documents - github 2303
- [ADF-1529] - Broken styles for toolbar buttons.
- [ADF-1530] - [Viewer] Extension viewer doens't work anymore
- [ADF-1533] - Multi-line form field contains a bug where red required warnings are shown incorrectly
- [ADF-1535] - Wrong StatusEnum implementation for Rendition
- [ADF-1537] - People widget needs to check null for native element onAfterViewInit
- [ADF-1538] - PDF viewer causes memory/cpu issues with scroll events
- [ADF-1545] - Supported page sizes are hardcoded for Document List pagination
- [ADF-1547] - Column tooltips are not translated for DataTable/DocumentList
- [ADF-1553] - [Demo shell] Scroll present in small and x-small devices
- [ADF-1554] - People widget with visibility conditions is not displayed on a complete start event.
- [ADF-1555] - Search popup always stays on the screen
- [ADF-1557] - Search does not collapse if its input is focused
- [ADF-1559] - People control is referencing the rest api instead of enterprise for pictures
- [ADF-1560] - Process fields are not translated when starting a process and on process page
- [ADF-1561] - When clicking on 'Active Tasks' on Process it redirects always to the first task from 'My Tasks' list
- [ADF-1562] - Report list is not aligned.
- [ADF-1565] - Not able to delete/copy/move a file or a folder in Document List
- [ADF-1568] - IE 11 problems with upload and downloading
- [ADF-1569] - [Activiti Form] People widget doesn't' render all the users image
- [ADF-1570] - [Start task] Date component is not aligned
- [ADF-1573] - Not able to remove a user from the "Involved People".
- [ADF-1577] - 'No process details found.' message is displayed after cancelling a process
- [ADF-1580] - Widgets do not display values on a start event.
- [ADF-1581] - Settings login are update also when press the back button
- [ADF-1582] - Error/Required widget tooltips are not aligned.
- [ADF-1583] - Expression has changed after it was checked
- [ADF-1585] - [Document list/Data table] hover color style is not theme compatible
- [ADF-1590] - Cursor pointer is not displayed on expand/collapse Task and Process Filters.
- [ADF-1594] - Date widget does not display value on a complete start event.
- [ADF-1595] - Typeahead does not display value on a complete start event.
- [ADF-1597] - Dropdown does not display the value in readonly mode
- [ADF-1598] - 508 Fixes comments
- [ADF-1610] - [Task List] doesn't allow keyboard enter to select a task- 508 Issue
- [ADF-1611] - Toolbar doesn't react to the resizing
- [ADF-1615] - Datatable - The ellipsis class doesn't work for a custom template
- [ADF-1617] - The bottom part of any input box text is cut off
- [ADF-1618] - Default login dialog has problem displaying validation message
- [ADF-1621] - ECM Auth Guard does not always redirect to login
- [ADF-1624] - Typeahead displays the list number of the name.
- [ADF-1625] - Typeahead widget is not aligned
- [ADF-1626] - [Task List] User should press TAB twice to navigate through the tasks
- [ADF-1627] - [Process List] doesn't allow keyboard enter to select a process
- [ADF-1628] - Content from a page is still selected when navigating to a different page when 'Multiple' Selection Mode is selected
- [ADF-1629] - Console throws error if visibility conditions refer to a following widget.
- [ADF-1630] - Folder name should be abbreviated in the breadcrumb when path is too long
- [ADF-1631] - The bottom part of Search Bar text is cut off
- [ADF-1636] - Translation override file is not overriding translation labels
- [ADF-1637] - [Pagination] Select Page Dropdown is not working
- [ADF-1638] - Console displays error after completing a task.
- [ADF-1640] - Start form is blank after a complete process.
- [ADF-1642] - [Login component] error message change the size of the component
- [ADF-1643] - [Checklist] add checklist produce a consolo error
- [ADF-1644] - Search Icon is not properly displayed
- [ADF-1646] - [Settings] prefix icon is not aligned
- [ADF-1651] - Site List drop down from Document List component does not display all sites
- [ADF-1654] - Cannot add a checklist within a task.
- [ADF-1662] - [User info] name is not centered
- [ADF-1664] - [Login component] icon show password dark theme
- [ADF-1666] - Comments can not be added to completed tasks and processes
- [ADF-1667] - Form component displays 'Nameless Task'
- [ADF-1668] - The task or process details are not loaded when double clicked
- [ADF-1669] - Attach File widget doesn't display file after complete.
- [ADF-1671] - Widgets don't display value if they have visibility conditions related to multiline text widget.
- [ADF-1674] - [Form Component] Ammount prefix should be aligned
- [ADF-1675] - Cannot view a file on a complete start event.
- [ADF-1677] - Pagination is not working properly on 'Sites' Custom Sources page
New Feature
- [ADF-1090] - Expand access to validation of the DynamicTableWidget - 2082 Github
- [ADF-1477] - Automatic i18n support for breadcrumb root element
- [ADF-1522] - Load Document List presets from the app.config file
- [ADF-1524] - Provide support for route to redirect on successful Login
- [ADF-1613] - Logout directive
- [ADF-160] - Change actual dialog with the Angular/Material 2 - 1514 Github
- [ADF-1238] - Remove mdl from ng2-alfresco-search
- [ADF-1246] - Remove mdl from ng2-activiti-tasklist
- [ADF-1247] - Remove mdl from ng2-activiti-processlist
- [ADF-1249] - Remove mdl from ng2-activiti-diagrams
- [ADF-1250] - Remove mdl from ng2-activiti-analytics
- [ADF-1251] - Remove mdl from demo shell
- [ADF-1492] - Document List - Export ContentNodeSelectorComponent and ContentNodeSelectorComponentData
- [ADF-1496] - Remove "Disable upload button when user has no permissions" switch.
- [ADF-1504] - Rename UserInfoComponentModule to UserInfoModule
- [ADF-1515] - Internationalization - ADF strings review
- [ADF-1517] - Prebuilt theme
- [ADF-1518] - Update material 2 to beta 10
- [ADF-1539] - DW should use adf-info-draw component
- [ADF-1543] - Use Muli font embedded in the "index.html" page
- [ADF-1548] - Remove "forRoot" functions from all the component modules
- [ADF-1584] - Userinfo component change text color
- [ADF-1608] - Start Form - Improve the unit test cases
- [ADF-1634] - Action toolbar for PDF viewer
- [ADF-1676] - Switch off all fake buttons in the Viewer