Release Notes - Apps Development Framework - Version 1.7.0
- [ADF-537] - Code contribution guide
- [ADF-892] - Blog post on replacing ADF services in apps
- [ADF-951] - Article on how to update from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0
- [ADF-961] - Article integration APS and ACS and cognitive analysis metadata
- [ADF-987] - Add information about SaSS in the contribution guidelines
- [ADF-1007] - Add Markdown linter in the build process
- [ADF-1042] - Add documentation on how to search only folder
- [ADF-1107] - Create example: Viewer + adf-card and blog post
- [ADF-1110] - Toolbar documentation
- [ADF-1136] - Provide details on configuring Viewer to display PDF
- [ADF-1146] - Upgrade Angular CLI article to the newest version of CLI/ADF
- [ADF-914] - Form section in the demo shell
- [ADF-918] - Activiti Start Task - Refactoring
- [ADF-920] - Process Header Component - Use the CardView component
- [ADF-970] - Attachment Task/process list - add template for empty list
- [ADF-971] - Create Task/process attachment - Improve the functionality
- [ADF-1032] - CLA - External PR automate task
- [ADF-1108] - Task header - Show the parent name clickable
- [ADF-1114] - Process comments - Share the same comment between Task and Process
- [ADF-195] - fix 'change detection crash' when using router multiple times - 1550 Github
- [ADF-334] - "$" symbol on a currency/amount field is shown against the label - 1707 Github
- [ADF-523] - Search Component - Unable to delete a file
- [ADF-733] - Activiti start process - AppId should not be mandatory
- [ADF-770] - Wrong highlight is displayed around options within DocumentList.
- [ADF-778] - "Upload Dialog" displays files that were previously uploaded on a different account.
- [ADF-790] - Attachment List displays the attached files within a user task.
- [ADF-819] - Snackbar does not appear when uploading files via DnD
- [ADF-923] - Involved user should not be able to see 'Complete' button as active in a task.
- [ADF-939] - [Login] Sign in button does not stay at the bottom
- [ADF-943] - APS ContentApi is not present on index.d.ts and SitesApi is not complete
- [ADF-945] - 'Undefined' is displayed in 'attach file' widget after restore.
- [ADF-950] - when the Form in readonly mode you can edit the date
- [ADF-957] - Duplicate Rest calls are made for fields where Rest end points are given
- [ADF-966] - Data table doesn't update on async loading
- [ADF-978] - No warning message is displayed to the user when minor changes are made on Settings.
- [ADF-1001] - [Process Diagram Widget] - Long process details are not rendered correctly.
- [ADF-1003] - An unsupported file can't be convert to pdf
- [ADF-1013] - [Login Page] - 'Login footer' cannot be switched off.
- [ADF-1015] - Document List is missing @input decorator for loading state
- [ADF-1026] - Default "empty" document list view should be translatable.
- [ADF-1047] - AlfrescoSettingsService defaults to 'ALL' on page reload
- [ADF-1048] - Multiple files attached to a task within a form are not displayed
- [ADF-1056] - Form List Component does not display the forms of the user
- [ADF-1068] - Files can be uploaded using drag and drop when 'enable file' is unchecked
- [ADF-1070] - User preferences service does not restore prefix on page reload.
- [ADF-1072] - Unsupported type of file attached to a task or process can not be converted to pdf
- [ADF-1078] - [Tasks] - Task Details are displayed inside Task Filters list.
- [ADF-1079] - [Process Services] - Not able to start a process.
- [ADF-1081] - Scroll bar is missing in comments component
- [ADF-1097] - File with unaccepted extension is uploaded when 'Format' is set to 'All files'
- [ADF-1134] - [Document List] Selection events not raised for certain scenarios
- [ADF-1138] - Start Task Form Assignee dropdown show null value inside
- [ADF-1140] - Task header - Wrong parent name key
- [ADF-1142] - Cannot add comment into a process.
- [ADF-1143] - [TaskList] - Not able to start a task when changing the assignee from the 'Start Task' form.
- [ADF-1147] - [Processes] - Form is not rendered properly when starting a new process.
- [ADF-1148] - [TaskList] - 'Description' is not rendered.
- [ADF-1149] - 'Remove' involved people of a task button is displayed behind the dialog
- [ADF-1151] - [Processes] - 'Show Diagram' option is not displayed.
- [ADF-1155] - The Process and Task filters are not displayed properly in ADF for applications created in APS
- [ADF-1162] - List with forms is not displayed inside Form List.
- [ADF-1168] - Tasks header component and Processes header component have different margins
- [ADF-1169] - [Start Task] - Missing date validation
- [ADF-1175] - Start Process and Start Task Forms don't close when Cancel button is clicked
- [ADF-1190] - Task form - Unable to view task form when the process does not have variables
- [ADF-1199] - MinimalNodeEntryEntity is missing the "allowableOperations" property
- [ADF-1200] - The URL validation error message is still displayed after changing the invalid url with a valid one
- [ADF-1201] - 508 Compliance Resolution for the App tiles. - 2131 Github
- [ADF-1216] - The included packages are not displayed in About Component if the user is logged only on Content Services
- [ADF-1228] - Task Details - The People and Involve component are not aligned
- [ADF-1229] - Task Filter - Wrong task filter is selected when a new task is created
New Feature
- [ADF-112] - Task Header in TaskDetails component shows DueDate but is not editable
- [ADF-402] - Process Diagram Widget - Show the current process state
- [ADF-487] - Info tab should show Content Service and Process service information
- [ADF-858] - Provide ability to attach multiple files on process Form- 1988 Github
- [ADF-917] - Upload ignore list files configuration
- [ADF-955] - Custom icons for selected rows
- [ADF-960] - Allow changing copyright section for Login component
- [ADF-967] - Evaluate "hostname" and "port" in the app config service
- [ADF-968] - Dropdown sites and favorites
- [ADF-983] - User Preferences Service
- [ADF-1038] - Dropdown breadcrumbs
- [ADF-1039] - Search results highlighting
- [ADF-1040] - Change document list style rows based on permissions
- [ADF-1041] - Copy and Move Component
- [ADF-1086] - Allow providing "attachment" option value when generating content links
- [ADF-1109] - APS Audit REST API in the JS API
- [ADF-1115] - Improve Document List selection management
- [ADF-497] - Improvement to task comment (activiti-comments) component - 1829 Github
- [ADF-506] - Unify thumbnail service across search and document list
- [ADF-861] - Add codelizer in ng2-alfresco-viewer ng2-alfresco-webscript
- [ADF-862] - Add codelizer in ng2-alfresco-login ng2-alfresco-search
- [ADF-867] - Add codelizer in demo-shell and genral build
- [ADF-869] - Add ADF prefix on ng2-alfresco-core ng2-alfresco-datatatable
- [ADF-870] - Add ADF prefix ng2-alfresco-tag ng2-alfresco-social
- [ADF-871] - Add ADF prefix ng2-alfresco-login ng2-alfresco-userinfo
- [ADF-872] - Add ADF prefix ng2-alfresco-documentlist ng2-alfresco-search
- [ADF-873] - Add ADF prefix ng2-alfresco-webscript ng2-alfresco-viewer
- [ADF-874] - Add ADF prefix ng2-activiti-diagrams ng2-alfresco-analytics
- [ADF-875] - Add ADF prefix ng2-activiti-tasklist ng2-activiti-processlist
- [ADF-876] - Add ADF prefix ng2-activiti-form
- [ADF-924] - Upload Component - Import the logic/design from EFSS
- [ADF-973] - Remove demo projects from components folder
- [ADF-992] - Integrate SFS enhancements to Document List
- [ADF-993] - Integrate SFS enhancements for Toolbar component
- [ADF-1002] - Attachment Task list - Add Drag and drop functionality
- [ADF-1030] - Datatable - enable isLoading to show the spinner in all the components
- [ADF-1044] - Activiti Comment - use the new design inside the demoshell
- [ADF-1045] - Attachment Process list - Improve the functionality
- [ADF-1092] - Remove DataTable dependency on MDL
- [ADF-1103] - Add custom tslint rules to avoid unwanted Class and File name prefix
- [ADF-1112] - Move JS-API related services to ADF core
- [ADF-1117] - Activiti Start Process - Migrate to MD
- [ADF-1120] - Remove MDL button wrapper from ADF core
- [ADF-1144] - Deprecate MDL sidebar in demo shell