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Parallel evolutionary algorithm that represents images with polygons using edge detection and denoising. Configuration is carried out through normality tests and pairwise comparisons.

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Image Approximation with Polygons using Delaunay Triangulation



  • Parametric configuration
  • Comparison with other methods and result evaluation through statistical tests and visualization (due to the stochastic nature of the algorithm).
  • Automated testing and graph generation with fixed seeds for result reproducibility.
  • Multiprocessing
  • Denoising and edge detection


Evolutionary Algorithms

  • [DEAP] - Provides basic functionalities for instantiating evolutionary algorithm problems.
  • [multiprocessing] - Parallelization in fitness calculation (master-slave architecture)

DEAP multiprocessing

Image Processing

  • [OpenCV] - For denoising and edge detection algorithms.
  • [PILLOW] - For dynamically generating and modifying images (genotype and phenotype of individuals).
  • [NumPy] - Simplifies linear algebra operations using C code for increased efficiency.

openCV PILLOW numpy

Analysis of Results

  • [SciPy] - Evaluation. Statistical tests with obtained results.
  • [scikit_posthocs] - Results analysis with normal distribution using pairwise tests.
  • [Pandas] - Data manipulation.
  • [Matplotlib] - Data visualization.

scipy scikit_posthocs pandas matplotlib

Web Server

  • [Flask] - Web server for the application.
  • [Redis] - Memory cache for storing results within workers.
  • [Celery] - Asynchronous task queue for executing tasks in parallel.
  • [Gunicorn] - WSGI HTTP Server for production.
  • [Docker] - Containerization.

flask docker redis celery gunicorn


faces animals

Run the web application

To run the web application to try our evolutionary algorithm, try using our docker-compose file:

docker compose build
docker compose up

After that, the docker containers should be running on localhost, with the ports:

  • 5000: Flask server
  • 6379: Redis server
  • 5557: flower server 🌷

Console Program Instructions


The libraries used in the project can be installed using the following command:

pip install -r ./requirements.txt

Main modules:

Below are the execution scripts provided in this directory.

  • This is the main program of the implemented algorithm. In it you can run the program with any desired configuration.

  • This is the main program of the local-search and Gaussian mutation methods used as a baseline against the evolutionary algorithm.

  • This is the main program used to execute the statistical tests reported in the article.

  • analysis.ipynb: All the tests and evaluations shown in the report are performed here.


To run any of these three scripts, simply use the commands specified below.

  • To obtain the complete description of the different flags, use:
python -h
python -h

In any case, when using a parameter in the wrong way, the main should report the error if it is in the input.

  • An example of the execution of each algorithm is presented below:
python --input_path ./img --input_name imagen.jpg --vertex_count 5000

This will apply the algorithm to the image in the corresponding directory and name with a number of vertices equal to that included after --vertex_count. Here the mandatory parameters are only the first two. The number of vertices is a parameter that is recommended to be used, although if not, a value is assigned according to the entropy of the image.

python --input_name womhd.jpg --vertex_count 200 --method gaussian --threshold 100 --max_iter 1000 --max_evals 1000

This will apply the comparison algorithm in Gaussian mutation mode. It is possible to use the --method local_search or --method gaussian parameters to select the method to use. The --threshold parameter is the size of the local-search neighborhood and the standard deviation of the Gaussian mutation, while --max_iter is the maximum number of iterations to perform. --max_evals is the maximum number of fitness evaluations to perform.

It is recommended to use the --verbose 1 parameter to view the execution progress.


To execute the statistical tests carried out, use the following command:


Note: This could take hours or even days.


Details that are not mentioned in the report:

There are parameters used for debugging which could be helpful:

python --input_path ./img --input_name imagen.jpg --vertex_count 5000 --show 1 --verbose 1

show and verbose allow you to view intermediately generated images and details about the execution.

python --input_path ./img --input_name imagen.jpg --vertex_count 5000 --manual_console 1

This flag creates a thread simultaneously with the algorithm that waits for an input and allows the execution to be canceled by writing "exit\n".

python --input_path ./img --input_name imagen.jpg --vertex_count 5000 --tri_outline black

This flag with the value of "black" or "white" gives an outline to the triangles used, allowing the distribution of triangles to be displayed more clearly. However, this directly affects the fitness calculation.

python --input_path ./img --input_name imagen.jpg --vertex_count 5000 --width 500

Note: Specifying only the width or height size adjusts the other automatically.

Data Source

All images where taken from


Parallel evolutionary algorithm that represents images with polygons using edge detection and denoising. Configuration is carried out through normality tests and pairwise comparisons.







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