RESTful API for money transfers between accounts.
- Written in Java
- Simple and to the point
- Written using Vert.x and without any heavy frameworks
- In-memory datastore
- Standalone program
- Unit and integration tests
- Java 8
- Maven
- Vert.x
- google/gson
- JUnit 4
- AssertJ
- REST-assured
mvn clean package
The application runs be default on port 8080
. After you built it, you can run it by using
java -jar target/MoneyTransfer-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar
If you cannot built it you can run it using the fat jar provided in the jars
If you want to run multiple instances use
java -jar target/MoneyTransfer-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar -instances 4
If you want to run using a different configuration (for example on a different port) use
java -jar target/MoneyTransfer-1.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar -conf src/main/conf/config.json
Unit tests:
mvn clean test
All tests:
mvn clean verify
POST http://localhost:8080/accounts
{"user":"alex", "currency":"USD", "balance":100}
GET http://localhost:8080/accounts/56d3b507-9175-4cd6-b2bb-3a83613dd8bd
GET http://localhost:8080/accounts
PUT http://localhost:8080/accounts/56d3b507-9175-4cd6-b2bb-3a83613dd8bd
DELETE http://localhost:8080/accounts/56d3b507-9175-4cd6-b2bb-3a83613dd8bd
POST http://localhost:8080/transfers
{"source-id":"56d3b507-9175-4cd6-b2bb-3a83613dd8bd", "dest-id":"26df4b98-ac89-418f-b383-a9d5df4024bb", "amount":10}
Note that it is not allowed to transfer money from one account to itself, to transfer money between accounts that do not have the same currency or to transfer a non-positive amount (less than or equal to zero) amount of money. Also note that the transfer is executed right after it is created with no confirmation from the user.
GET http://localhost:8080/transfers/63686614-fd19-409a-9712-2bc2dfa87bfd
GET http://localhost:8080/transfers
Note that is is not possible to delete or update transfers (design choice).