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COBRA 7.2 Source

As of October the 29th.

Following has been changed and updated since 4.46 COBRA 7

[ Joonie's Changes ]

  • Cobra spoofer has been removed again [the same as COBRA 4.30], since this is no longer supporting PSN accesibility since 4.60 OFW update.
  • PLS3 patches are removed from modulespatch.c since this is one of those pre-applied patches on 4.xx CFW
  • unknown E3 patches are removed to fix an issue with XMB, [Originally found by rancid-0, from his PS3ITA 4.50 COBRA]
  • Dual VSH supports for REBUG REX / D-REX CFW, proper hash check code was developed by habib and Nzv recently.
  • NPDRM Fself fix for REBUG REX/D-REX, this removed Kakaroto's sig check patch pre-applied in REBUG's debug VSH.

[ Habib's changes ]

  • Stage0 Base payload, this clears stage1 when stage2 is not loaded on LV2, which completely disabled COBRA mode
  • Syscall 11 is added to support full lv1 peek
  • Ps2netemu work around is discovered, now PS2 ISO can be redirected as ps2classic, this was developed to fix ps2 wireless pad sync issue for non backward compatible PS3 models.
  • New savedata patch workaround for ps2_netemu has been added, PS2 DISC ICON will use decrypted VM card, but it still has sync issue and PS2 Launcher will use encrypted VM card for both ISO/Classics, no sync issue at all
  • Allow Syscall 11 to gain full access to syscall 6/7/9/10 to prevent modification from homebrews like multiMAN.

[ KW's changes ]

  • webMAN integration on boot. Also disables external webMAN plugin located in dev_hdd0
  • PSN Patch stealth mode, it remove custom syscall from the ps3

[ Dean's changes ]

  • Improved map_path, to fix the issue with games like Shadow of Mordor
  • Permission protection is disabled to increase game compatiblity and full DEX support.[no more issue with Target Manager or CCAPI]
  • 80010017 / 8001002B Error fix is added since 4.60, this was developed to prevent issues with games when game disc is inserted in BD Drive.
  • LIC.DAT check is patched to fix the issue with launching homebrew since 4.60

[ Nzv's changes]

  • PS3MAPI 1.2.2 support, it is similar feature comparing to CCAPI, but open sourced project and also can unload vsh plugins , attatch process on all type of EBOOT. One of those great debugging features.
  • Partial disable syscall8 and unhooks all cobra hooks (Part of PS3MAPI)
  • Block update from disc

[ Aldo's changes ]

  • Improved PSX media type support, now it supports following disc types
    • 2048 // 2352 // 2336 // 2448 *
  • Improved Video mode patch with proper region detection Original COBRA payload was relying on ps1emu's detection method, now COBRA has extra pre-processing that can detect region properly and force apply correct refresh rate depending on the game's region. (Improved PS3MAPI functions)
  • Added PEEK/POKE (LV1/LV2) as PS3MAPI opcodes (syscall8)
  • Added option to block access and request access to syscall8 using a key (also as PS3MAPI opcodes)
  • Added temporary disablement of Cobra syscall8 to allow dumpers peek 0x1000 to 0x9800

*STILL IN W.I,P, please let me know if anyone is interested in making changes in this note :)


Porting Cobra 7.3 Ferrox






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