- Manage users
- Admin can
- Visit admin dashboard
- Create courses and groups
- Create calendar events: single and recurring
- Student can
- Visit student dashboard
- Preview calendar events
- Student guest can
- I still have no idea :)
- Admin can
Event will display this information:
- Basic information
- Event group
- Recurring event: Yes/No
- Calendar events scheduled for this event
Single event fields
- Name
- Starting and ending date and time
- Group attached to this event
- Note
Recurring event fields
- Name
- Group
- Starting and ending date and time
- Note
- Select group attached to this event
- Days
- Recurring until
These fields can't be changed via the Event edit screen:
- Group attached to this event. In this case you can create a new event with different group.
- Can not convert single event to the recurring one
Calendar event is a child object of event, which represents event occurrence in calendar.
Calendar event will display this information:
- Basic information
- Event parent: Group
- Event parent: Group users
- Added new users, which are not already in the Event parent group, only for this calendar event
- We can add new user to calendar event.
- We can't add user that belongs to Event group, if event has group assigned
- We can remove added user from the calendar event.
- We can not remove these users from the calendar event
We can select status to any user on the calendar event
- Attended
- Canceled
- No show
We can also select status info:
- Compensation
- Promo class
- Other
Testing steps to make sure we update CalendarModel relationship correctly after Event model update:
- Check recurring_until changes to get correct new number of calendar events (add or remove)
- Check each day from new starting_at until recurring_until
- Check that we do not modify CalendarEvent models before starting_at, so we can keep them for the history and stats
php artisan db:seed --class=RoleSeeder
php artisan db:seed --class=ProdSeeder