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Henrik edited this page Aug 21, 2014 · 1 revision

Run any arbitrary command from your rakefile. All tasks that just wrap a command line application will inherit the properties from this task, even if they aren't documented (it gets kind of redundant).

desc "A description of whatever this command does"
exec :whatever do |cmd|
  cmd.working_directory = "path/to/working/dir"
  cmd.command = "foo"
  cmd.parameters = ["-q"]

Required Parameters


The command that you wish to use. This can be a relative path, for example, to a tool checked into your repository

command = "relative/path/to/command"

Or an absolute path, for example, to a tool that's installed machine-wide (you may want to use environment variables and File methods to ensure system independence)

command = File.join(ENV["PROGRAMFILES"], "partial/path/to/command/install")

Or, if the tool is on your environment PATH, whether directly (some tool's bin directory) or via a "shim" (like a bat file that redirects the call), you can just put the name in

command = "foo"

Optional Parameters


Any valid parameter for your command, as an array, you are responsible for any quoting necessary (especially when inserting file paths or anything that may have spaces).

parameters = ["/S", "/File \"path/to/file\""]

Working Directory

A working directory other than the current directory.

working_directory = "foo/bar"


Use Framework Version

We need to talk about the use method that is attached to some task's configurations.

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