A Sentiment Analysis for Twitter Data.
- model.en is generated using word2vec using make_word2vec_model.py
- vectorize using vectorize.py
- generate random_for_predictor.pickle using train_and_validate.py
- Run: python get_sentiment_word.py
##(For Detailed)
- Install the "sentimentAnalysis" in your local web2py at ""
- WebPage at http://akirato.github.io/Twitter-Sentiment-Analysis-Tool/
- Video with Demo and Accuracies: https://youtu.be/VuR16P87yPE
- Presentation for this: http://www.slideshare.net/NurendraChoudhary1/sentiment-analysis-of-twitter-data-60761723
- Report is present in the file "Report.pdf"
- For any doubts, Raise an Issue and we will sort it out.