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NodeTypes: NodeValue

Akash Bora edited this page Jun 4, 2023 · 11 revisions

Value Node

Node Value is a node which contains a variable as the value on it, it has one output socket which can connect to multiple inputs of other nodes.


node = NodeValue(canvas, value=1, text="Value 1")


Parameter Description
canvas parent canvas where the node will be spawn
height height of the node
width width of the node
value variable which contains the value
fg_color foreground color of the node
text change the text of the node
text_color change the text color
font change the font of text
justify change the text anchor
highlightcolor hover color of the node
border_width adds an additional border to the nodes
border_color border color of the node if border_width>0
hover disable/enable the hover effect
socket_color change the color of the sockets
socket_hover_color change the hover color of the sockets
socket_hover enable/disable the socket hover
socket_radius change the size of the sockets
corner_radius change the roundness of the node frame
side change the side of the socket (left or right)
x specify the x spawn location
y specify the y spawn location
fixed removes the delete key binding, makes the node non-removable
click_command add a command when the node is clicked


  • .configure(args...): change some attributes of the node including the value.
  • .destroy(): deletes the node from the canvas.
  • .exists(): check if node exist in the canvas.
  • .get(): get the current output value.
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